Today I had to break up my workout and do it during the work breaks I give myself. Mainly because I am about two hours behind on work because a short derby meeting became a long one last night.
Anyway, here is today's starting point from
Rambo Sambo.
Here's how I chose to break it down.
- 30 mountain Climbers
- 30 Scissor jumps
- short break
- 10 burpees
- 20 star jumps
- 20 push ups
- 225 high knees
- Short break
- 15 mountain climbers
- 15 scissor jumps
- 5 burpees
- 10 star jumps
- 10 push ups
- 113 high knees
- 8 mountain climbers
- 8 scissor jumps
- 3 burpees
- 5 star jumps
- 5 push ups
- 56 high knees
- 4 mountain climbers
- 4 scissor jumps
- 1 burpee
- 3 star jumps
- 3 push ups
- 28 high knees
- 2 mountain climbers
- 2 scissor jumps
- 1 burpee
- 1 star jump
- 1 push up
- 14 high knees
- 1 mountain climber
- 1 scissor jump
- 1 star jump
- 1 push up
- 14 high knees
- 1 minute squat
:06/:09 work/rest
knee raises
:70/:20 work/rest