A monk. In Manhattan.
A twelve year old orphan mutant monk. In Manhattan. That may or may not be linked with the Young Avengers.
The hell?Julian was having a hard time trying to wrap his mind around this. And around the fact that he was apparently supposed to find the kid and bring him back to the school. At least, that's what he thought Miss
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It's a good thing that Elixer can heal. When Catseye aims to tear him off of Kate, she's using fangs that can crack bone and claws that can rend kevlar without any thought of restraint.
"I told you. Locator spell and a teleport. So not difficult. And oh look, seems we've arrived just in time for a fight--Catseye, no!"
Nordic runes flick from an extended hand and Catseye turns intangible just long enough to go right through Elixir without killing him.
"Speed, see to her. And no killing, either of you."
"Foley, watch your back!"
Aww, screw this!- He undelicately tugs the arrow out and tosses it away. His forearm might be temporarily useless, but the rest of him isn't. He charges toward Catseye in a full defensive body tackle that'd make Vince Lombardi proud, not registering yet the other new arrivals in the alleyway.
The garbage can lid that was thrown at Elixir is sent careening back towards Eli. "What happened to the shield; don't tell me you pawned it already." His tone was anything but jovial, and grew even more serious with his next comment.
"Order your team to stand down now, before someone else gets hurt."
She's trying to do a rapid body part inventory on herself...ten fingers, two arms, two legs...make sure everything moves the way it's supposed to. Problem is, things are getting bad..ok, worse..and she doesn't have time for more than that.
Something between her shoulder blades doesn't feel right and this just serves to piss her off more. Hearing Julian's demand just fans the fire.
She hopes whatever is wrong below her neck doesn't hampen her ability to shoot a bow as she bypasses the fletchings of the less damaging arrows, chosing instead from the ones that are a bit more...impressing.
The arrow is clenched between her teeth as she uses a trashcan and a box to heft herself up, then draws a bead on Julian.
"Patriot! No holds barred! They're going for throats!"
"Archer! Hold fire! Gold kid - I suggest you stay right where the cat wants you if you want to breathe!"
If Hellion does the TK pull again, he'll be in for a nasty surprise.
"Now you - little boy - you will take your little children and leave. You will not take Ang with you. If you all come back and molest this group again I will make sure the next people you chuckle to will be in the metahuman juvie lockup! In return, you all will leave and I can throw the cops - who are on their way - off your scent. Yes or no, jackass?"
Besides, Billy clearly told Tommy not to kill anyone.
Instead, he rushes him, using all of his superspeed to try to knock the guy over.
"Don't hurt the cat, Rocky."
After a quick nod to Billy--a nod of mixed communication, including but not limited to stay safe, thanks, and I'll handle this--Hulkling moved forward to back up Tommy, but made no attempt at a direct assault...yet.
Eli's hiding again, so Julian takes a moment to raise above the crowd to search him out. "Whether or not Ang comes with us is entirely up to the kid, not you, you miserable punk ass bitch! Its his life, flatscan; no one else has a say in this." Including Julian's team, a fact he was never willing to deny.
Found ya!
"The cops know exactly where to find me. So does SHIELD, the X-Men, and the Avengers. I'm not worried about any of them, especially the cops. After all, I'm not the one wanted for grand theft shield, Private America ( ... )
The fire escapes on both sides of the alley give way. Eli did the math and his people are just barely out of the way. Not so for Julian and the Rock guy.
After an initial wince to make sure nothing was hitting her, she drew back completely, waiting for the right moment to fire off a gas tip into Julian's group.
"Whoa hey!" She was afraid to shrink down for fear of getting trampled, and she didn't exactly have any room to grow. "What did you do to me?"
He glares. "The cat is trying to eat my teammate, Ken and Barbie. And I might not like Goldie much, but attacking my teammates just ain't on. So why don'cha shut the hell up and get outta the way?" He starts toward one of the big alley dumpsters, intent on using one as a convenient projectile. Before he succeeds, the groan and wrench of metal is heard and he's caught right beneath the collapse.
Billy floats up opposite Hellion, preparing to try and subdue him before Catseye leaps after him. New tactic, then.
A hand explodes in blue light, and a shield begins forming around Cassie and spreading outwards. The people on the street are pushed away from her, giving her time to recover.
Yup, this would be Patriot undermining a somewhat incapacitated Julian - for his own good.
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