Moar drables

Mar 07, 2010 16:04

Meme drabbles Part 3

Hound x Mirage - First Kiss - for naggingfishwife

Mirage never understood the apparent fascination humans had about their 'first kiss'. He had kissed other mechs before and it was hardly something he'd consider as much a milestone as these humans seemed to make a big deal out of. It was just that, a kiss. Why the human beings seemed to give such importance to the first of many to come?

"I guess they see it as the first of hopefully many to come." Hound tried to explain. "If they have that first kiss, it might mark the beginning of a relationship proper and thus is special. At least I suppose that's what it is. These humans love to celebrate the 'first' of everything. Then again they love to celebrate about anything."

"It's still quite absurd. It's just a kiss." Mirage shrugged.

"It is?" Hound asked with a sly smile. "I suppose you could see it as just a kiss. But if it's with someone you love and care about deeply, it might mean something else, something that makes that first kiss truly the beginning of something."

"And you'd know this...?" Mirage quirked an elegant optic brow.

Hound shrugged. "Well, I think that's how I would feel if I got to kiss a mech I love. I would like to test that theory, though."

Mirage smiled a little. "Is there anyone that holds your interest, Hound?"

"There is." Hound chuckled and patted Mirage's shoulder. "But I don't know if he feels anything for me."

Mirage sighed a little, he felt strange giving advice and encouragement to the object of his affections to pursue whoever it was he liked. "Well, Hound, you won't find out if you don't approach the lucky mech."

"Do you think he'll think himself lucky?"

"It'd have to be a real fool if he did not."

Hound fell silent for a moment, seeming to consider Mirage's words. Then without warning, he leaned over Mirage, pressing his lip components to Mirage's in a soft, tender kiss. Mirage gasped softly but moaned softly as he felt Hound's lips over his own. Somehow, in the brief moment that kiss lasted, Mirage felt he could understand why humans felt a first kiss was so special.

"Do you still think he's lucky?" Hound asked sheepishly as he pulled away.

"Most certainly..." Mirage replied a little dazed, as if trying to grasp the concept that Hound had just kissed him. Hopefully it was going to be just the first of many to follow.

Ironhide x Ratchet - Is that the high grade talking? - movieverse my 'sparkling Jazz' verse- for mmouse15

Ratchet couldn't remember the last time a party had been held in the base. Of course, there hadn't been much reason to celebrate in the past and Jazz's return to them, albeit as a sparkling, was all the excuse the mechs at the base needed to throw a celebration that the older Jazz would have completely approved of.

Ratchet was coaxed by his newly bonded mate, Ironhide, into going to the party with their now child. Jazz stood the party for a while just fine, looking perky and interested in everything, far more curious than any newly sparked should but after a while even Jazz had enough of the noise and Ratchet decided to take the little one back to his and Ironhide's quarters for his much needed rest. He secured Jazz inside the makeshift crib he had pud together to ensure Jazz would be warm through the night, deciding to leave him to be for a while as he rejoined the party, turning on a small monitor to make sure he'd be the first to know in case the sparkling woke up.

Ratchet made his way back to the recreation room where the party was still in full swing, shaking his head as Ironhide seemed at least a little over energized and telling tales about battles on Earth or other planets. He couldn't help but laugh when Ironhide praised Ratchet's own combat prowess and his ability to lay down a good swift aft kicking when it was needed.

"Praise? From you, Ironhide?" Ratchet asked out loud as he approached his bonded, allowing the bulkier black mech to wrap an arm around him in a protective and somewhat possessive gesture. "Is that the high grade talking?"

"Nope." Ironhide set down the cube of energon on the nearby table and pulled Ratchet against him, tilting the medic's face up for a quick brush of lip components. "It's the not-fuzzy part of my processor commending my mate. Where's the tyke?"

"Recharging, and we should follow his example soon, you have patrol duty with Captain Lennox in a few hours."

"Mmm you're always ruining my fun." Ironhide rumbled, sliding a hand down along the curve of Ratchet's back.

"Behave, Ironhide. As much fun as it would be to traumatize the rest of the crew, I'd be the one dealing with their messes." Ratchet smirked and reached to take Ironhide's hand.

"You're not fun." Ironhide pouted.

Ratchet smirked and reached to pull Ironhide's head down for a kiss. "Someone has to be the kill joy."

Ironhide laughed at that and gave up, promising he would only finish his last cube and they would go back to their quarters to recharge. Ratchet wasn't so certain Ironhide would stick to just finishing that half consumed cube but it was all right with him. He could always punish his bondmate taking Jazz along for his patrol.

2007verse, jazz, au, drables, houndxmirage, ironhidexratchet

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