Starting the week with some Sparkless

Mar 07, 2010 23:48

Title: Sparkless. (36 Pt4/??)
Rating: R
Warnings: A bit of violence, angst, possible slashy goodness. Implied character death.
Characters: Jazz, Prowl, Trax, Prime.
Setting: Movieverse AU.
Summary: In trying to live up to the name of his sire he gave his all, until he lost his own spark. Those who once loved him now called him "sparkless".
Notes: This is an AU bunny that belongs to snugsbunny, it's all her fault, I just happen to be the one writting it. Several concepts seen through the duration of this fic are hers and used with permission. This is a very AU fic so please take with a grain of salt.

Many thanks to mmouse15 for kindly beta reading this for me. Another part, yes the smut for part is quite lenghty, hoep you enjoy, though!

"Do you want me to take you now, my love?" Prowl purred, bringing one of Jazz's claw tipped fingers into his mouth, nibbling the tip playfully. "Do you want to feel me inside of you? For our systems to synchronize as one?” the crystal pick trailed down ever so slowly towards the open panel and the awaiting port and connector. Jazz was so aroused, so ready for Prowl his frame was trembling uncontrollably. "Do you want me, Jazz?"

"Y-Yes..." Jazz moaned pleadingly, twitching and whimpering as he felt the pick trail lower towards his port, his body contorting once more, trying to receive any touch he could get at this moment. "Please, Prowl, please!"

"I don't know Jazz, you don't sound too convincing," Prowl purred softly once more, suckling on one of his mate's fingers as he traced the edge with the rounded tip, delighting in hearing the soft cry coming from Jazz and the buckling of his hips. "Perhaps you need a little motivation," Prowl spoke between laps to the finger he had been sucking, this was almost as much torture for him as it was for Jazz, already aching to join with Jazz. Prowl pressed the tip of the carved pick against his bondmate's port, being careful as Jazz hissed at the feeling, not in pain or discomfort, but his own delight. Prowl used the pick to press and rub against Jazz’s port, wringing a long moan from his bondmate.

Jazz tossed his head back bringing his free hand to his chest, clawing lightly at the plates, needing to hold onto anything as his body jerked a little at the sensation. Prowl pulled the pick away slowly. His free hand busied itself playing with Jazz's captured silver hand, thumb tracing patterns over the palm as Prowl lavished attention over each finger, tracing the edge of the port with the tip of the pick, Jazz was whimpering and moaning as he felt the faint, teasing sensation that wasn't enough, serving only to build up the already ragging inferno of his need, but not enough to tip him towards his overload. Jazz found himself conflicted as he pressed his body flush against Prowl’s, needing to overload so badly now, yet not wanting to, he wanted to overload only with Prowl’s presence inside of him, to overload with him, scream his name and not care for an astrosecond if anyone heard them. He'd feel no shame, letting anyone know he made love with his bondmate.

Prowl gauged Jazz's every movement, every sound, knowing Jazz was reaching a limit, he too was struggling with his own desire, watching Jazz like this was so incredibly erotic, needing to be connect into his mate and meld their systems together. He had one more trick to try though and as he pulled the pick away, he reached into his subspace for a cube of fine high grade, dipping the pick inside, the once clear crystal now covered in a generous coat of the glowing high grade. "Jazz," Prowl murmured, letting go of his mate's hand to stroke his abdominal plates soothingly, "Look at me, beloved."

Jazz mumbled almost incoherently but forced himself to look at his bondmate, whimpering softly as he watched Prowl bring the pick covered in energon to his mouth, lapping away the glowing energon. Prowl hummed softly, his optics glowing almost white with barely restrained lust and desire, "The taste is delicious." Prowl's voice dropped an octave, wringing a needy whimper from his silver mate. "Wouldn't you agree, Jazz, my love?" the silver mech watched as Prowl brought the pick to his face, offering the pick for him to taste. A furious blush took over his face plates as Jazz hesitated for a moment, watching as Prowl leaned over him, his bondmate's face so close to his now. Jazz's glossa peeked out and he brushed it in a little lick along the pick, collecting a bit of the thick texture of the high grade. Prowl smiled indulgently at his mate, encouraging Jazz as he also lapped away at more of the high grade he could reach, watching Jazz's little cyber kitten licks clean away the crystal until their glossas met, licking on each other before the pick was pulled away and their mouths pressed together in a fervent open mouthed kiss.

Prowl let the pick fall to the berth far enough from them as he wrapped his arms around Jazz, kissing his lips as he reached for his connector to plug into Jazz’s port. He suckled on Jazz's lower lip. "Please, love...!" Jazz's legs wrapped around Prowl's waist, holding Prowl down there so the other mech would finally comply. "Prowl, I need you..."

"Yes," Prowl hissed and wasted no time as he pressed his connector into his bondmate's port, groaning Jazz's name as they clicked together, feeling the familiar and longed for warmth of his bonded's presence. Jazz cried in delight, wrapping his arms around Prowl as the mech reached for his own connector, uncoiling it with utmost care and stroking the connector until it was clicked into place into Prowl’s access port. The silver mech panted softly, encouraging his mate, loving the feeling of his systems melding so perfectly with his mate’s.

Prowl relished on the feeling of their union, his presence stalling just beyond Jazz’s firewall before he delved into his bonded’s systems, encouraging Jazz to take his own leap into his own. It never ceased to marvel him how joining to Jazz's always gave him that sense of belonging, the rightness of the physical union of their bodies. He sent a pulse of data to Jazz, shuddering in delight as Jazz matched it with a pulse of his own. The pulses were tentative at first, slow and curious as they were at the beginning while their systems synchronized with each other.

Jazz clung to Prowl as he felt his mate’s pulses become a little stronger, still slow but more powerful, and Jazz was quickly matching every pulse with one of his own, as strong if a little more eager than Prowl’s, wanting nothing more than to feel Prowl overload with him, feeling his essence within his systems reach that blessed overload, to feel his love's spark merge with his own, both reaching a blissful climax as their bodies and souls became one in every sense.

Prowl’s pulses alternated between quick but gentle pulses and slower but more powerful pulses of data, working his mate towards their blissful overload. Jazz clung to Prowl, whimpering, moaning and gasping as they made love, doing his best to retaliate and drive Prowl towards his own rapture. He loved to feel Prowl's power like this, just as he loved the slow and gentle pace. He loved every aspect of their love making, and he knew deep within his spark that no other mech could have ever made him feel the way Prowl did.

Prowl mouthed at Jazz's neck as he sent pulses to his mate, their bodies were reaching their peak and he knew their overload was near, his spark beating hard within its case, calling to its other half, seeking completion. Jazz slipped a hand between their bodies, pushing the pin and wrap up to his neck as his chest plates parted, the hissing of hydraulics and the trickles of light seeping between their joined bodies as his spark was bared for his love. Prowl wasted no time and issued the command, slowing his pace as his own spark was bared, almost leaping out of its case to meet its mate. Their sparks touched and caressed, beginning to merge into one glowing orb of pure light and both mechs lost themselves to the echo of each other's pleasure felt through their joined soul.

The merging was intense and powerful as the energy building up grew. There was so much emotion contained in their merged essences. Joy, gratitude, passion, desire, and a love so strong neither knew how their souls and bodies could contain them at all. They didn't even try to sift through the emotions, through the memories, just allowing them to collide against them, bathing in the raw power spiraling further down into a vortex of passion and feeling, both mechs crying out each other's name as their overloads washed over them, feeling as the miniature universe of their joined sparks exploded and was born anew.

Prowl slumped on the berth over Jazz, trying not to crush his smaller bondmate with his weight yet their sparks remained merged for a while longer as their pulses subsided and slowed to a stop. The silver mech moaned softly as their systems slowly rebooted themselves and each left the other’s presence. Prowl reached tiredly to unplug Jazz’s connector, allowing it to recoil gently as Jazz did the same with Prowl’s.

With great effort Prowl pulled away from his mate, laying next to the smaller mech, keeping a hand around the silver waist. Prowl watched his attractive mate, Jazz was looking up at him, his head canted against a shoulder plate, with a sated smile on his delicious lips and a look of adoration in soft, dimmed optics.

Prowl leaned forward, kissing the side of Jazz's head, trailing tender kisses to a lovely helm fin before he stood, scooping his mate in his arms, surprised himself he had the strength to do it in the first place. Jazz snuggled against Prowl as he was carried to their lavish bathroom, his silver hand fumbling tiredly with the sapphire pin, sighing softly as it gave away and the wrap fell, earning a soft mewl as it fell away, caressing Jazz's hypersensitive body. Prowl smiled at his mate, kissing his face tenderly as Jazz then struggled with Prowl's cloak, managing to remove it just as the Lord of Praxus crossed the threshold of the bathroom, allowing it to fall to the ground as well.

Jazz fell into a much needed rest just after washing Prowl's wings, cuddling against his mate in the warm energon of their large tub. Prowl smiled down to his mate and carried Jazz out of the pool, sitting down on a small bench of sorts, drying himself and his bonded with the soft absorbent clothes as he feared the drying mechanism would wake Jazz. After drying himself and his bondmate, Prowl carried the exhausted mech to their berth, laying Jazz down gently before he moved around to the side he usually slept on, ginning to himself as he picked up the pick and set it on the nearby table, he'd clean that later. He was too exhausted and pleasantly sated and all he wanted was to enjoy some much needed recharge with his beloved.

Prowl laid on the berth, scooting closer to Jazz and pulling the smaller silver mech against him, sighing in contentment as Jazz curled better against him, resting a hand over his chest. It didn't take long for the Lord of Praxus to follow his bondmate into a restful and pleasant slumber.

The next morning Prowl had official duties to attend to, with a scheduled tour with the Lord Prime through the city. Prowl had convinced Jazz to stay on the berth a little longer and he needed little prompting to do so. Now as he awoke again, he stretched languidly like a cyber cat, feeling his body pleasantly rested if a little sore. He took his time in getting up, enjoying the cocoon of fine fabrics of the berth's canopy, pressing his face to the pillows and padding of the berth, inhaling the side Prowl usually slept on, taking in the scent of his bondmate.

Jazz smiled to himself, thinking back on the times when he wondered if he'd ever have such a chance, his hand rubbed idly along his chest, feeling the living essence of Prowl's love within his spark, knowing wherever he went part of Prowl's thoughts were always about him. He sighed contently and decided to clean around their dorm some. Despite being the Lord Consort now, Jazz preferred to do the cleaning of their rooms himself unless he needed help. They usually kept the rooms relatively spotless, so cleaning wasn't usually a difficult or laborious task for him.

He picked Prowl's discarded cloak, inspecting it carefully to determine if it'd need washing or not. After deciding it was fine, he brushed the material and carefully folded it, taking the cloak to the closet of sorts where his bondmate would store the collection of cloaks. Most of them were identical, but this was a more ceremonial piece, so the material was heavier and more ornamented. He moved then towards the wrap left so carelessly on the ground, Jazz smiled fondly as he picked the diaphanous material, blushing a little at the dried up stains of high grade that had fallen against it without his notice but remembering how they got there. He was certain it couldn't be washed, but even if it could, for some reason he couldn't quite pick, he didn't want to have it washed.

Jazz folded the fabric carefully, bringing it to a chest where he usually stored trinkets that were mementos or held some kind of fond memory to him, storing the pin in a small chest containing ornaments and other such gifts given to him by his bondmate, his grandfather or other presents. After he was done with his cleaning, the silver mech decided to enjoy some time with his grandfather, opening a comm-link with Volt to request the mech to prepare something and take it to the balcony facing the crystal gardens.

The last day of the Lord Prime's visit, Jazz was overseeing details of the house's keeping. Although his former job was performed by Volt, Jazz still liked to supervise some aspects, especially those in which his bondmate had given him free reign. As Jazz chatted with Trax, doing some last minute inspection to the large dining room for the last meal they'd share with the Lord Prime and his staff, the silver mech began to sway unsteadily, bringing a hand to his head.

"Are you alright?" Trax asked, watching the younger mech shake his head in vain attempts to clear it.

"I'm feelin' dizzy," the silver mech reached to lean against the wall, missing by a long stretch and tumbling forward.

"Jazz!" Trax cried, barely able to catch the mech before he hit against the ground, shaking him gently. "Jazz, what's wrong? Jazz!" The lack of answer from the silver mech had Trax turning around helplessly, calling for any servants that could help.

Prowl was talking with the Lord Prime as they left his office, trailed by the bodyguards and personal staff of the Lord Prime when a strong stab of pain in his spark had him crying out, nearly falling to his knees if for the soldier and Lord Prime that reached to keep him steady.

"Lord Prowl, what's wrong?" The Prime asked with worry lacing his voice, watching the black and white mech's clawed hand almost digging into his own chest plates. "J-Jazz...!" Prowl gasped through his pain, freeing himself from the hands keeping him steady as he ran on unsteady legs towards where he could feel his mate, panic rising within his spark, barely acknowledging the Prime ordering one of his soldiers to fetch his personal medic before following after him.

Prowl made his way to the dining room where he could feel Jazz's spark weakening, or at least that was what he felt at the moment, Jazz's presence within his spark was fading and Prowl could only think of the worse when he saw Jazz cradled in Lord Trax's arms. "Jazz!" Prowl fell to his knees before his mate, taking the silver mech in his arms.

"He was unwell for a moment, then he just offlined," Trax explained to the visibly distraught lord of Praxus.

"Jazz, my love, please don't leave me," Prowl murmured against his offlined mate's helm, cradling him tightly against him as he gathered the smaller mech better in his arms to cart him to their rooms.

"My medic is already on his way," the Prime offered as he helped to steady the Lord of Praxus, as Prowl carried Jazz to their rooms, a chartreuse mech that identified himself as Ratchet, the Prime's medic, met them on the way there, extracting Jazz from Prowl's hold and taking him to the inner chamber, wasting no time he laid Jazz on the largest couch and began his examination. "Everyone out of here, and especially him!"

Prowl was too distraught to question the gruffness of the medic that had basically kicked him out of his own rooms, his clawed hands gripping his chest at the pain and clinging tightly to what slivers of Jazz's presence he could still feel within his spark, fearing the worse while praying silently to Primus to not take his mate away from him.

"Ratchet is the best medic in Cybertron; he'll do everything in his power to aid your mate."

Prowl merely nodded morosely, feeling as if every astrosecond lasted as much as a vorn, until finally the doors opened and the medic called to him. "Your mate will be alright." he said while gesturing to the young mech on the couch. Prowl rushed to his mate's side, taking Jazz's hand between his own. "He'll need plenty of rest for a couple of cycles, while his body and spark adapt."

"Adapt?" Prowl asked, still feeling anxious and uneasy as he was unable to feel but a sliver of Jazz in his spark.

The medic snorted petulantly, something that would have had the Lord of Praxus frowning if he wasn't as shaken as he was now. "Your bondmate's with sparkling, my Lord."

2007verse, sparkless, prowlxjazz, au, nc-17

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