Houston, we have some back stories!

Sep 04, 2008 23:52

Title: Sweet Child O' Mine.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angstyness and character death.
Pairings: Shockwave x Unnamed femme. Implied Unnamed Mech x Unnamed Femme.
Characters: Shockwave, Tracks, Blaster, Perceptor.
Summary: AU - Partly using Dreamwave's comics as basis. A re imagination of Cybertron's society where the line dividing slaves from nobles is so thin.
Notes: I know Jazz's back story won the poll but this story is much shorter and I thought it would be nice to shed some light about Shockwave's past. For the record Tracks' face is black on this, so no nit picking about that~ Jazz's back story is coming next.

Shockwave held the crying sparkling Blaster against his chest. Perceptor, whom he held by his hand did not cry, but his sorrow was painted all over his youngling face.

"Promise me," A voice pleaded so softly, so weakly it was almost inaudible. "Please, I beg you."

Shockwave wanted to say no. He wanted to cry out recriminations and accusations, he wanted to refuse the request of the dying femme laying on the berth despite the desperate attempts made by a medic to keep her spark alive. He looked over his shoulder at a couple of mechs, an old slave of his, who carried a youngling about the same age Perceptor was.

"Please," the femme pleaded again. What promise she was talking about only her and Shockwave knew. "I know I have no right, but you're the only one I can entrust with this."

Shockwave's lack of face helped to hide the whirlwind of emotions going through him. How could she ask this of him? Still, he couldn't bring himself to say no, he loved her just that much, and he knew as soon as her spark faded, another part of himself would be lost.

"Please," she whispered again, her weak voice straining, as her spark struggled to sustain her long enough to hear Shockwave's reply.

Shockwave shook his head, his head fins drooped a little as he did, and his hold on the crying Blaster tightened. "I promise." he replied finally. She smiled a thankful smile. "I'm sorry," she said sadly, regretfully. "You deserved better. I'm so sorry..."

"Do not talk now, conserve your energy." Shockwave knew it was futile, he knew her time was coming, and nothing could stop it anymore, still, he did not wish his children, their children to hear these be her last words.

"I can't ask you to forgive me, but... oh, Primus, Shockwave, I'm so, sorry...!"

"Quiet, now." Shockwave let go of Perceptor's little hand and reached to take his mate's, squeezing it gently. "Despite everything, know that I do love you."

"I know," She smiled sadly, regret and guilt all over her facial plates. Oh, how she wished she could say that back to him and truly mean it. She did love him, but not with the same intensity he felt for her, not the same intensity she felt for the mech who broke her spark, and her will to live. She turned to the little youngling Perceptor who fought back his own cries. "Perceptor," she called her son, and the primarily red and blue youngling approached her berth, helped up by his father. "My little Perceptor, promise me you'll take good care of your father and brother, all right?"

Perceptor nodded and couldn't help but let out soft sparkling clicks, fighting back the need to burst into tears and cling to his mother, asking her to stay with them, but he tried to put up a strong front, he was her little mech, he had to be strong.

The female smiled and pulled her son gently down to kiss the crest of his helm, then reached up for her crying sparkling, Blaster. Blaster was still too young to utter words yet, but he was well aware of something not being right, and related to his mother. The sparkling clung to his mother and continued crying. The femme felt another pang of guilt course through her being, knowing she wouldn't be there to see her sparkling grow up, and the load she was leaving behind for Shockwave to endure.

Shockwave pried Blaster gently away from his mother, handing him to the old slave, and urged Perceptor to leave the room with the old slave. Only the medic, Shockwave and the other youngling remained in the room.

"I'm sorry, sir," The medic apologized, shaking his head sadly. "I can do no more for her."

Shockwave nodded, he knew there was nothing that could be done anymore. "Leave us alone."

The medic nodded and left the room, bowing his apologies respectfully once more as he passed by Shockwave.

"Come here." the Blast noble looked over his shoulder to the youngling.

The youngling obeyed and stepped forward to the berth, while Shockwave helped the femme to sit up a little. The youngling climbed the berth and hugged the dying female, his mother. "Look after your brothers, Tracks." Tracks whimpered but nodded and clung tighter to his mother.

The breems passed until finally the femme's spark gave up and extinguished. Tracks tried his best not to cry, not wishing to disturb or bother Shockwave with the cries of the illegitimate son of the female he loved and a slave who took her from him.

Shockwave said nothing as the machinery and scanners reported what he already knew --his mate was dead. The noble looked over to the dark blue youngling with a black face, like his mother's. He wanted to hate the sparkling, relish in his suffering, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He, just as much as Blaster and Perceptor, was all he had left of the one he loved more than anything. Shockwave knew there would never be another femme for him. Nobody he'd ever love this much, and even if Tracks was not his child, he was still part of her legacy.

Shockwave picked the youngling up, holding him close like he did with Blaster, allowing him to cry against his shoulder, and vowed silently he'd look after Tracks as much as if the child were his own. After Tracks calmed down, Shockwave set him down on his feet again. The noble felt anger and resentment grow anew inside his spark while he brushed away the pale pink fluid running down along the youngling's cheeks. There was enough of that slave's features on Tracks' body, but with proper upgrades the youngling's features could turn to resemble his mother more than his father.

Shockwave knew all along that the female he united to did not feel for him the way he felt for her. She fell for a slave who in turn left her for someone else. He knew all along that the female who accepted to be his mate, who accepted to form a family with him did not love him, but he still accepted her, allowed her to be with him, to be with their child, and even accepted to create another life with her. In his mind, Shockwave found he couldn't berate her, he couldn't hate her, even if he knew she was as guilty as the slave who broke her spark.

Still, Shockwave's hatred and resentment were all for that male slave, Tracks' father, for what he did to her. In Shockwave's mind, the mech had the greatest treasure that was her love, and he dumped that, leaving her behind for someone else.

"Sir?" Tracks' voice pulled him out of his angry musings. "What's going to happen with me now?"

Shockwave glanced to the armlet wrapped around the youngling's arm, symbol of his slave origins. Shockwave's' mate passed him as a slave in order to keep him a secret, but Shockwave knew all the time Tracks was hers. "I cannot grant you nobility, as you're not my own, but I assure you'll never lack anything. You'll be under my protection, and you'll be cared for in the same manner Perceptor and Blaster will be."

Tracks didn't fully understand the talks about nobility, but he was comforted knowing he wouldn't be thrown out or sold to someone else. "However, You must not tell Perceptor nor Blaster about your relationship with them. That is all I ask of you."

Tracks nodded, brushed more pink fluid away from his dark face. "I won't say a thing."

If Shockwave had a face, and the proper mouth, he would have smiled to the youngling. "Go to your quarters now. There are... pending things I must attend to."

Once Tracks was gone, the Blast noble called the medic back into the room to proceed with all the process to give his mate proper rest. He also began to plan the new upgrades for his sparkling, for Perceptor and Tracks. And swore to himself he'd never let his family go through this kind of pain ever again. No slave would ever hurt his children directly or indirectly again, the void left on his spark by the death of his beloved mate would be a reminder. He'd never forget, and he'd never forgive.

imperium cybertronium, shockwave, tracks, blaster, perceptor

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