Because this one was begging me to expand it.

Sep 04, 2008 00:30

Title: Blue October - Redux
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluffymus Maximus.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz. Implied Smokescreen x Chromia.
Summary: Smokescreen gets to meet the latest addition to the 'Datsun family'.
Notes: Decided to expand this one. Dedicated to dark_daebereth just because I say so.

Smokescreen smiled covertly, admiring a sight that felt so familiar yet so incredibly unexpected. Many vorns ago he was in that position, looming over a recharging tank with his mate by his side, gathering a little, beautiful sparkling in his arms to present the infant to his creator. He admitted he never expected one orn he'd be the one watching his own creation present him with offspring of his own.

No, since Prowl was a young adult mech, Smokescreen always thought his child would never ever look for a mate, let alone create a sparkling of his own. Yet, here they were, watching Jazz, Prowl's mate, gently pick up the bundle of parts that was his and Prowl's sparkling.

Jazz beamed a characteristic, proud grin at Smokescreen and his mate, Chromia, while he deposited the sparkling on Prowl's arms. Prowl's wings flared up a little with pride as he accommodated his sparkling carefully in his arms, careful not to disturb the recharging infant.

Prowl turned around and smiled to his own creator, carrying the gray sparkling to him. Smokescreen knew he had a grin as wide as Jazz's plastered over his face plates, and he did not care. Prowl came closer and moved the sparkling a little better on his arms to allow Smokescreen and Chromia to see their creation's own child.

The tiny sparkling shifted a little in his recharge, clicking softly as he dreamed of only Primus knew what. Smokescreen watched Jazz stand next to Prowl, leaning his black helm against his mate's shoulder, with what Smokescreen knew was a look of pure adoration behind the blue visor.

Smokescreen stroked a finger along the infant's cheek, and grinned when the sparkling clicked softly and batted his little hand against his finger. "Did you pick a designation yet?" He asked softly, watching the sparkling's sensory panels flicker the tiniest bit.

Prowl nodded, a proud smile spreading on his lip components. "We did."

Jazz brushed a finger to the sparkling's little nose with a loving grin. "Smokey, meet Bluestreak."

Bluestreak shifted a little in his father's arms, clicking softly once more, completely undisturbed by the world around him. The sparkling took heavily after Prowl and Smokescreen. The chevron was tiny compared to theirs, but it was as perfect as the little wings protruding from his back.

"He's beautiful," Chromia pushed her mate aside to get a better look at her own child's little creation. Although Prowl's features were more dominant on Bluestreak, there were plenty of traces from Jazz on the sparkling's features, especially his face.

"He takes after his father," Jazz grinned proudly, taking Bluestreak's little hand and watched the sparkling trap his fingers in a strong grip, even while asleep.

"He takes after his dad, as well," Prowl countered, watching the recharging sparkling slowly begin to online, which meant his feeding was due soon. When Bluestreak was completely online, Jazz left his family for a few kliks to retrieve his sparkling's special energon.

"Would you like to hold him?" Prowl asked his creators and smiled down to Bluestreak who clicked cheerfully at him, kicking his little legs a little.

"Would love to." Smokescreen grinned and held his arms out as Prowl laid his child carefully on his own creator's arms. Bluestreak clicked and chirped with confusion, looking up to Smokescreen, little door wings drooping a little at the realization this mech was not his father.

"It's all right, little one," Smokescreen whispered soothingly, fixing his hold on the sparkling to allow Bluestreak to see Prowl was close. Prowl reached to take one of his sparkling's hands and Bluestreak held onto his father's fingers instinctively, immediately feeling at ease just by that touch.

Jazz returned with the special container of energon and offered it to Chromia so she could feed the sparkling. Smokescreen handed Bluestreak to his mate and watched Chromia take a seat, and feed the sparkling the same way she had done many vorns ago with Prowl. Bluestreak chirruped happily and gladly accepted the special energon this other stranger was giving him.

After being fed, Bluestreak went into recharge once more, still too young to stand being awake for more than a few breems at best.


Jazz moaned softly and nuzzled the recharging platform, vaguely aware of the sounds coming from the nursery installed adjunct to his and Prowl's room for the time being while Bluestreak's own room was finished.

The visored mech turned around on the berth to glance into the open door of the nursery, smiling fondly as he watched Prowl pick their sparkling from his recharging tank, resting Bluestreak against his chest and shoulder. Prowl leaned his head against Bluestreak's, humming soothingly to his child, while he moved around the room, retrieving a couple of cloths. The slightly taller black and white mech carried his and Jazz's sparkling to the wash rack in the other side of the room, summoning the tub Jazz adored to bathe himself in.

Jazz sat up quietly to get a better view, watching Prowl check the temperature of the cleaning solution before he climbed into the tub with Bluestreak sleepily cuddled against him. Jazz sneaked soundlessly to the wash rack and watched Prowl hold Bluestreak against him, cupping some of the cleaning solution on his free palm, pouring it gently over Bluestreak's diminutive body. Bluestreak chirped a little in surprise, but settled down quickly and began to click contently as Prowl poured more cleaning solution over his little body.

Jazz watched with utter adoration father and son as Prowl washed their little one with utmost care. The smaller mech couldn't hold back a chuckle when Bluestreak fluttered his little door wings when Prowl poured some cleaning solution on his back in between his door wings, then rubbed is fingers over the area.

"Enjoying the show?" Prowl asked without bothering to look up from his current task.

"It's a nice view," Jazz replied and moved further into the wash rack, sitting down on the edge of the tub and grinned to his sparkling when Bluestreak looked up to him and cooed, reaching out. Jazz obliged his sparkling and offered his fingers for Bluestreak to hold onto.

"I believe you feeding Bluestreak is an even better view," Prowl smiled a little to his mate, and began to wash Bluestreak's door wings gently, being extremely mindful of the sensitivity of the appendages. Prowl knew very well the kind of aches that accompanied being one of those Cybertronians that had to grow up with door wings, and he'd do anything in his power to ease the discomfort he knew Bluestreak would endure while growing up. Even this young, he knew Bluestreak was already feeling a little of the strain, and made sure to massage the joints of the wings while he washed the sparkling.

"Depends on the mech you ask, Prowler," Jazz chuckled and watched Bluestreak click and coo happily at the attention Prowl was paying to his little door wings. The smaller black and white grinned to his sparkling, bumping his nose playfully against Bluestreak's, then pressed a little kiss to the sparkling's tiny chevron. Prowl smiled and continued his work on his child while Jazz showered the little one with affectionate displays which Bluestreak greatly enjoyed.

In the guests' room, Smokescreen grinned, watching the scene through a live feed courtesy of a camera Chromia had skillfully hidden in the nursery, which she could aim to show whatever was happening in the room next to the nursery.

"If Prowl finds out we're spying on them, he's going to blow a fuse," Smokescreen commented offhandedly.

"Oh, please," Chromia snorted and cuddled closer to her mate, watching Prowl and Jazz tending to their sparkling. "If neither of them wanted to let us see what they're doing, I assure you the camera would have been deactivated a long time ago."

Smokescreen laughed softly in agreement. He knew Prowl and Jazz were allowing them to watch them and their sparkling, sharing with them the wonderful family unit they formed. Smokescreen felt proud and thankful. Proud of the mech Prowl had become, and thankful for the chance to be part of Bluestreak's life.

sparklings, bluestreak

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