And now before bed... sparklingness.

Sep 05, 2008 02:55

Title: Bring it On. (3/??)
Rating: PG-13 / Humor
Warnings: Crack. Lots and lots of crack in abundance.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz, Ironhide x Ratchet, Inferno x Red Alert, Hound x Mirage, Blaster x Soundwave, Sunstreaker x Bluestreak, Optimus Prime x Starscream, Trailbreaker x Wheeljack, Cliffjumper x Bumblebee, Hot Rod x Arcee x Springer.
Summary: The war has come to an unexpected halt, and with it came some developments. The cyber stork is going to work overtime and skip vacation in the Ark.
Notes: Screamer's egg hatches and the world rejoices, except not. Beware of the rabid Mirage. Optimini belongs to nkfloofiepoof.

I've borrowed a few things from beckyh2112. This is crack and written mainly to indulge friends I wuv too much.

quite what else to do~'>

In all honesty, Prowl never put much thought into what Prime's and Starscream's sparkling could possibly look like. In reality, probably nobody, not even the proud parents ever thought about it.

The excitement that filled the Ark when the offspring of their Prime announced its come into the world when the egg shell began to crack a little several days ago, kept everyone from even beginning to imagine what possibly their sparkling could look like.

The hatching had been slow. The sparkling cracked the shell here and there, little cracks followed by periods of no activity at all. It took them a whole week to get to this point, where the sparkling was laying on the remnants of his shell, staring with wide red optics at the wonderful world outside his prison.

The sparkling was... interesting, to say the least. Prowl admitted he was cute, yeah, but not in the same way Bumper was. For starters, the little one was like a mismatch of Optimus Prime's and Starscream's parts. The sparkling had Prime's body shape, down to the little face mask covering a dark blue face, antennas and little protrusions on his shoulders that imitated his creator's smokestacks, though they weren't quite like that yet.

However, the sparklings legs were, in Ratchet's very cheerful words, 'Seeker made'. Turbine heels decorated the sparkling's feet, and little jet wings protruded from his back, and they were incredibly flexible, too, as the sparkling could flap them a little.

Prowl could only wonder what that sparkling's alternate mode could ever be. A semi with jet wings and thrusters was a bizarre sight, even as he imagined it. Then, there was the little issue of picking a designation for the sparkling.

Sideswipe had been quick to nickname him 'Optimini', and much to Prowl's chagrin and mild horror, Optimus Prime and Starscream choose to keep the name for the time being, as apparently the former Decepticon Air Commander and the magnanimous Prime were completely incapable of picking a fitting designation for their little bundle of joy.

Originally they wanted to call him Magnus in honor to Ultra Magnus, as the sparkling resembled the mech when his outer armor was removed. That kind of fell flat when they were reminded Ultra Magnus probably wouldn't find the honor too fitting, as the mech had enough standing Grimlock calling him 'Little Prime'. So, for the time being, the sparkling was referred by everyone as Optimini.

Optimini was an odd sparkling, seemingly merging the personalities of both of his creators. He could be really demanding and nothing short of a brat when he was in that mood. And the next moment he could be the perfect representation of what a Cybertronian angel would be like.

Prowl only hoped the child would gain more of Prime's personality and demeanor, or everyone in the universe was going to be doomed.

The Datsun's thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking on the door. "Come in." Prowl pressed a key on his terminal to allow whoever was at the door come inside. The doors parted to reveal Hound rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. "Hey, Prowl."

"Hello, Hound. Please, come in." The tactician gestured for the green mech to come into the room while he moved Jazz a little against him so he was resting better against his body. The saboteur was currently in a light recharge, sitting on Prowl's lap with his head pillowed against his mate's shoulder. One of Prowl's hands was currently resting against the Porsche's helm, white fingers massaging a stubby horn soothingly.

Although everyone knew about their relationship, Prowl was still rather reserved about what mechs he allowed to see him being affectionate with his mate like this, Hound and Mirage being one of those few Prowl could so openly snuggle with Jazz. "What can I do for you?"

"Do you mind if I stay here for a while?" Hound stepped further into the room, feeling a little embarrassed asking for refuge from the monster of a mate he was hiding from at the moment.

"Mirage again?" Prowl asked with a knowing little smile, gesturing for Hound to take a seat, offering him a cube of energon with his free hand, the other hand never stopped massaging Jazz's horn.

"Yes," Hound accepted the cube, nodded his thanks and sat down on the seat nearby, smiling a little at the tender scene before him. "At least I have the luxury of Mirage warning me about the mood swinging before he gives Wheeljack a run for his money."

Prowl laughed a little and agreed. Mirage could get almost as bad as Wheeljack when his state put him in a rather murderous and violent mood. Unlike Wheeljack, however, Mirage seemed to be able to predict when his moods were going to change and usually urged Hound to put plenty of distance between them so he wouldn't end up with something heavy and hard thrown at him. Usually, Hound made a point to hide with one of his friends and then find some 'peace offering' to take back to his mate when Mirage called him, assuring him the episode had passed.

"Not sure what I can take to him now, though, Perceptor's not around and Wheeljack's in a very good mood right now, I don't want to rob Trailbreaker of that little piece of peace."

Prowl pondered for a moment, knowing the peace offerings Hound usually took to Mirage were exquisite energon treats Wheeljack or Perceptor prepared especially for Mirage. He didn't have fine energon treats he could supply to Hound, though. "Well, maybe I have something that could help you with that problem."


"You'll see." Prowl nudged Jazz gently, whispering something against his audio while he slid a hand in the space between Jazz's back and the bottom of his hood, tracing the plating there teasingly, knowing Jazz was a little ticklish on that area. With a surprised jerk and a little gasp, Jazz was pulled out of his recharge. "Oh, 'ello, Hound. How's 'Raj doin' today?" Jazz's sleepy slur earned him a chuckle from the tracker.

"Hey, Jazz. He's doing fine, probably trying to trash our quarters right now, wishing he could knock my head off." Hound watched Jazz reluctantly and sleepily vacate his mate's lap and went to flop on the berth all the way to the far end of the room. Prowl shook his head and headed to a wall with an electronic lock. He entered a code and a panel in the wall opened, revealing a hidden storage. The tactician rummaged through the items carefully, finally extracting a large cube of energon.

"What kind of energon is that?" Hound asked curiously, certain it had to be special if Prowl and Jazz kept it in that hidden compartment.

"Vintage High-grade," Jazz replied sleepily, on the verge of falling into recharge again, but not quite there yet.

"Towers brew, to be precise." Prowl produced a smaller cube and poured some of the contents of the vintage high-grade into the smaller cube, offering it to Hound. The Jeep accepted the cube, he didn't know how nor why the pair of black and white mechs had this kind of high grade, he didn't know, but he was glad they did, he was sure Mirage was going to appreciate a little sip of it.

And it would be just a sip because Hound knew no matter how nice Ratchet was acting lately, the medic would rip his plating off if he let Mirage drink more than just a little high grade on his current state, and probably sporting the most loving and kind of smiles while he did. The mechs continued chattering for a while until Jazz finally fell into recharge and Mirage called for his own mate after his fit had passed. Hound waved goodnight to his friends and left the room with his precious cargo.

Prowl locked his and Jazz's quarters and climbed onto the berth with his mate to get some rest. The Datsun couldn't help but smile a little, wondering what new developments the next few days would bring, and what new quirks they'd learn about in regards to the expecting bots and upcoming sparklings.

hound, jazz, bring it on, sparklings, optimus prime, prowl, starscream

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