How Weird Am I?! ;)

Jul 28, 2008 12:35

I know I have a thing about spiders. Probably weird (certainly if you ask Sally, and you may very well agree wholeheartedly with her! ;)

First, I have 8 tartantulas I keep as pets.

Second, I have kept track since this past winter of a spider that built a web in an unused sink in the basement, near where I have my computer. Now this is weird, twice I have fed her a small cricket, leftover from when I feed my tarantulas. She may appreciate that, because I can walk by and sometimes even turn on the water in the sink to rinse my hands, and most of the time she does not run away and hide! ;) (A second spider showed up earlier this summer, but I have not fed that one...yet!)

Third, there are two spiders in webs in the downstairs bathroom, hidden under the sink. I like to check them out when I am...well, you know, going! ;)

Fourth, last night I hear a small beetle flying around the living room, making that buzzing, beetley sound, every once in awhile bumping into a lamp shade. Then I look up and see a young, very beautiful cross spider, busily at work weaving an orb web between the grandmother clock and the wall of the living room. This morning I see she is contentedly sitting in her new creation, waiting for something to fly into it!

But I don't feel like removing her, it is so cool she is inside my house! But I probably will remove her, for various reasons including my being able to still live in the house (! ;).


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