Dec 26, 2014 19:01
Mom's brief trip out here is over, and we took her to the airport this morning. It was a good visit, although the cats are still very discomboobulated from the two scary strangers in the house and Dwight being gone for the first time ever. Three nights sleeping on a tiny loveseat/sofa was no fun for me either.
I did get some decent gifts-- thanks to everyone who got me books from the Amazon wishlist: Megan, mom, Tracy R., Dwight and my German fan RK. Now I shall have to update it! I also got neat stuff from several other people, so thanks again to everyone!
Inbetween holiday stuff I managed to get the drawing done for the Kickstarter reward picture, so hopefully I can get that colored up and do the final digital work on it this coming week.
Weather was hot (into the low 80's!) on the 23rd, then suddenly dropped and got much colder as the week progressed. Now clear and very cold at night (into the 30's).
Was very dissipointed with the new Hugh Howey book. The description made it seem like it would be some sort of eco-thriller, but it turned out to be a very pedestrian romance. Yawn. On the other hand, I found out that the author of the Bitterwood trilogy that I enjoyed so much had released a prequel to it, which I am currently reading and enjoying a lot.
The approach of the new year also means I need to buckle down and start preparing to write the year-end book reviews. Nearly 60 books. Oy.
day-to-day life