[Locked to Marty, NFB] In room 228

Nov 01, 2005 19:14

[ooc: rp'd via email]

Marty knocks on the door to room 228. He's looking very tired and worried.

Veronica opens the door and is surprised to find Marty on the other side. "Not running from me anymore?" she asks, a wry grin on her face. "Thanks for the flowers, by the way."

Marty gives her a tense smile. "Oh right. The flowers, yeah well it's the least I could do. I'm sorry about the whole Snickerdoodle mess. You know. Gremlins."

He fidgets a bit, unsure what to say. "That's... that's not actually why I came by though."

"No worries, things happen." She pushes the door all the way open and says, "You want to come in? What's up?"

Marty comes and sits down on a chair. "Um... That whole Aaron Echolls thing that happened last year? Regarding Li lly's death? You said that you found out it was Logan's father right? And that at one point you thought it was Logan?"

Veronica sits opposite of Marty, on the edge of her bed, and looks at him curiously. "Yeah, why?"

Marty taps his fingers on the chair arm. "Last night I got some disturbing news. Have you met Kitty Pryde? She's Phoebe's roommate? Apparently Thursday night she was killed."

Veronica swallows hard. This is not good. "I think I met her," she says. "She had a pet dragon or something, right?" She wonders if Phoebe has heard the news and if she's okay. "What happened?"

Marty sighs heavily. "That's where we enter into the realm of the weird. Her dragon showed up on Sunday night and through Professor Dream they were able to find out that she had been attacked on Thursday night after meeting up with Rory, Logan Echolls and George Lass. Apparently she was killed soon after and George... Well apparently George is some kind of... soul collector and she was sent to pick up her soul after Kitty had been killed. Unfortunately there was no body to speak of and when George 'talked' to Kitty after she died she was unsure of what happened exactly."

Marty looks down at his shoes with a worried look.

"So we don't have much information about what happened... but we do have a suspect."

Veronica stands up, grabs a tablet and pen from her desk and takes her seat again. She makes some notes and then looks at Marty. "Who's the suspect?" she asks. She prays he isn't going to say Logan.

Marty gives her a grim look. "You're looking at him."

After a long moment of silence, Veronica says, "Well, I'm assuming you're not here to confess and then kill me, so tell me exactly how you're a suspect and what I need to do to clear you."

"That's the thing. I'm sure whether or not I *did* do it." Marty shakes his head. "Last Thursday I seem to have a block of time where... I don't remember where I was or what I did. I went out with Rory to walk her dog and try to cheer her up and... that's it. The next thing I remember is waking up at Geoff Chaucer's with a terrible headache. Yesterday when I was talking with Rory? She said that she saw me running out of the alley screaming and... well acting nuts."

"You said you were bitten by a gremlin and that's why you freaked out at the bake sale on Saturday, right? Do you think you were actually bitten in town on Thursday?"

Marty shakes his head. "No. Everytime I've been bitten by a gremlin the effect was shortlived and I remembered everything afterward. Given the way I was reacting and from what some of the other students have told me, I think I might have been fear gassed somehow."

"Fear gassed?" Veronica vaguely remembers reading George's piece in the paper last week.

Marty nods and stares at the floor. "I've been doing some investigating into what happened at Spike's the other week. I've got a suspect, Jonathon Crane, but no physical evidence leading to him. I've been in his face for the past week and.... I'm sure but I'm betting I was gassed somehow and made to think Kitty was someone she wasn't."

Veronica considers this and makes some more notes. "So you think Crane fear gassed you and got you to kill Kitty while under the influence?" She shakes her head. "Why would Crane want Kitty dead? Was she involved in the incident at Spike's?"

"Kitty was with Rory, George and Logan right before whatever happened in the Alley. She may have been just a victim of bad luck. As for what happened? I really don't know." Marty says in a soft voice. "As for as I know, she has nothing to do with what happened at Spikes."

Veronica gives Marty an encouraging smile. "All right, let's start at the beginning. You said you went for a walk with Rory on Thursday? Why?" Veronica remembers something. "Wait, her mom cancelled class that night."

Marty sits back and thinks. "It was something about her Dad missing her birthday and calling her a couple of days late. She was upset and wanted to take Vladdie for a walk. I tried to cheer her up and... "

Marty sighs.

"I think I remember seeing Kitty at one point, but it's all... fuzzy and then... nothing."

"You said Logan and George were there too? Do you remember seeing them?"

Marty shakes his head. "No. I don't. Apparently I also gave Rory my gas mask that I've been carrying around with me so... I mean otherwise I would have been okay. I guess."

Veronica doesn't comment on the fact that Marty was carrying a gas mask. Instead she asks, "Do you remember why you gave your gas mask to Rory? What did she tell you happened?"

"That I don't remember. She said I heard a noise and that Kitty was there when I left to go for a look."

"Did Kitty tell Rory what she was doing walking around town at night or where she was going? Did you ever figure out what the noise was that you heard?"

Marty gives Veronica a small grin. "I was hoping you might be able to ferret that out. Does that mean you're taking my case Nancy Drew?"

Veronica sighs, tilts her head, & smiles. “I guess I am.”

Marty gives Veronica a grateful look. "Thanks Mars. I do appreciate it..." he says getting up to leave and heading toward the door. He gives a quick look back.

"No matter where or how it ends."

marty, kitty, room 228

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