
Jun 03, 2016 12:08

Over the past few years I've had the desire to create a video game on my own. Well, not necessarily on my own, but of my own design and creation. I've done this before a few times, but my skills have evolved tenfold since last I completed one of my own games many years ago, before working at HitPoint. Interestingly enough, the additional skills make this sort of endeavor more difficult by setting my mental bar higher for what I potentially *could* complete on my own.

Unfortunately, *could* isn't good enough when you can't remain invested enough to carry a longer project to completion. Every game dev advice thread for staying motivated says to keep your ideas small, but that's really difficult when you have the technical skills to produce something more complex and interesting. But paring an idea down to its simplest form is a challenge in and of itself and is perhaps a skill I have not yet mastered.

I seem to repeatedly get really excited about a new game idea then let it peter out when shit hits the fan in my life and I get too busy to work on it regularly. It's hard to pick it up again when you're so distracted by other crap. I guess that's the problem with doing this as a hobby. Tricky tricky. Then again, maybe I'm just lazy. Hopefully one of these days a project idea will stick. Or perhaps I can pick up one of the older ones and cut it down to something that can be implemented within the span of a game jam. Hm!
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