On growing apart

May 24, 2016 17:09

I've spent a bit of time reading old entries on here lately and I must say: it makes me quite sad how little I see of the people with whom I spent the most formative years of my life. I was a royal pain in the ass for at least a decade there...okay fine, probably longer than that, yet they stuck with me throughout on some level or another. It does bring me joy that I was able to love and laugh with so many awesome folks, even while my mind spent several years trying to tear itself to shreds. I'm not sure I was ever able to fully appreciate how good I had it on the island of misfit toys, but isn't that always the way!

I do hope I can revive a few of these relationships, though it's important to remember that the sources of my nostalgia are mostly ghosts at this point. Just as I have changed drastically in the past decade, so have they. Our growing apart was rarely an intentional process but rather a natural product of subtly shifting priorities. I suspect a large part of is that many of us have chosen to devote our time and love to a single person and that certainly leaves less of either for friends. My own relationship with Jaq has been a wonderful ride that I wouldn't give up for the world, but I do feel like I need to find more room in my life for non-romantic companionship.

Wow, it is WONDERFUL to be writing again.
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