
May 29, 2009 03:49

Im sitting here in the wee hours of the morning alone, as I have many times a week since Ive been home from tour. Im watching movies, sometimes working on music and generally trying to keep myself busy but that never really works for long.

I find myself very confused. I cant feel anything but lost. Ive been very social recently, Ive been drinking (it seems to be becoming a habit these days) Ive hung out with friends both close and not so close. Ive had several women in my bed(there is a strange woman there now actually, slumbering away, I suppose not so strange just new, guess the weight lifting and weight loss have been working) Ive started writting what is by far some of my best work to date. Ive even been offered a great option for a living situation as soon a I can get out of here.

None of it seems to matter.

Im persueing all of it and will continue to.

Im going through the motions it seems, Im not feeling any of it. Ive never felt so detached. Im having a hard time even putting it into words. I think I feel as if Im not me anymore, or maybe never was. I had a fabulous meal tonight with friends, I tasted nothing. Im not even upset or anything like that, Im just not sure if any of this is even real............................
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