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Comments 41

angearia October 7 2010, 04:02:44 UTC

"I'm sorry, William." That is not the end of a love story, it's the beginning. It's just the beginning. YES. I see it as validation of his identity; he's more than just her shadow figure that she's trying to drown in. She realizes he's a person and she doesn't want to hurt him anymore. And SMG's face when she says it. Marsters' face when he hears it. FACES. These two are so unbelievably brilliant together.

I love your words. Please keep expressing how you see Spike and Buffy forever, okay? Gah, your meta is so moving. If you write fic, you might just kill me.


marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:13:24 UTC
GOD, LIKE I WOULD KNOW WHERE TO STOP. This show, my god-I I have never thought about a show in these terms, I've never been so mired in thought, and I've certainly never been so wrapped up in one character. I JUST. HE IS THE BEST. I LOVE EVERYTHING HE CHOOSES TO BE. SHUTTING UP IS NOT AN OPTION. There's too much going on-historypresentfuture on this constant loop of becoming and becoming something else, choosing his own salvation, and how do you get saved if your saviour won't play? s6 happens. I LOVE ALL THE THINGS ALL THE TIME. BRB STANNING THE SCRIPT FOREVER.

ALSO FACES. It's an acting party feat. REALLY GOOD ACTING.

...iamprettysureiamattemptingficforthedarkficprompttable. maybe. intimidated by buffy!pov. to be determined. mayyybe.


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marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:20:57 UTC
I love that most everyone else has some basis in the show. For me it's SO new and such a new experience on so many levels (the meta thing? so very new. there has never been a show like this before) that it's nice to be able to come by and flail all over the place about something people know really well.

And hey, s6? is so awesome. high five indeed.


rainbowstargirl October 7 2010, 04:12:37 UTC
Wait. Something Blue is your Buffy/RILEY episode? I... But... The Spike and Buffy in Something Blue is so beautiful. And while I like Spike and Buffy, I'm not a hardcore shipper. But like, I will go and just re-watch that. Just for that. Although, the Buffy and Riley interaction when she's under the spell is totally priceless...

Anyways, your thinking is pretty and so is your flail.


marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:18:08 UTC
Ha, I know, right? It's not *the* Buffy/Riley episode-that's "The I in Team", in which they have THE REALLY AWESOME SEX (not the possessed-house sex, the post-fighting sex), and I'm like, no chemistry, you say, fandom? YOU ARE BLIND-but that one conversation is so damn snappy and pleasing. It was such a revelation after the endless dirge of s3 Buffy/Angel: I honestly thought I'd never ship Buffy with anyone, and then I realized, no, it's just that Buffy/Angel sucks. So much. For both characters. Eeeech.

But yeah, "Something Blue" is good Spike/Buffy funtimes, both pre-spell and during, when they're doing the most hysterical smoochy-smoochy-times ever.


rainbowstargirl October 7 2010, 04:29:02 UTC
lol I actually ship Buffy and Angel. Don't hate on me? (And Mercedes might be singing that in my head?) But I totally understand criticism of it, and I like her with Spike and Riley at different points (and I might kind of love Spike and Buffy in s7? Don't hold me to it.) Huh. I'm new enough to LJ and actual fandom that I've never actually discussed it either. And I ship Angel with other people, too.

But Something Blue is actually the episode I watch to cheer myself up. Awwww. The wedding invitations!!!!


marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:32:53 UTC
Hee, I won't hate. (I'm not gonna bust the windows out'cha car.) I just...riotously don't understand. Also, David Boreanaz didn't know how to act then. Problems I can't surmount.

Ohh, discussion is basically the most fun part of being here! At least in BtVSland: I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A WORLD WITH SO MUCH META. I can't even-it's just awesome.


eleusis_walks October 7 2010, 04:23:55 UTC

lol i was waiting for you to get to this

they never do much with it, unfortunately, but i have a million fanfics in my brain

the most important thing i take from it is that when cecily said 'you're beneath me', she didn't mean william was beneath her. she meant humans were beneath her. so spike's entire cecily complex is based on a misunderstanding. as nabokov would say, 'life everlasting based on a misprint'


eleusis_walks October 7 2010, 04:25:41 UTC

She's the other best character around, has been since "Tabula Rasa", and she's tethered to Willow.

i love you for this hahahaha

i have so many tara feelings


marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:48:51 UTC
she's not a character and then she becomes one-aaand we see her so much less, and i am discontented. i suspect amber benson's always been good, but now she's like. a person.

man alive, willow completely devours her actual love interests' characters.

self-absorbed fuckwitch.


eleusis_walks October 7 2010, 04:50:40 UTC
i actually think tara is always a character in a way oz never manages, but she's certainly willow's +1 until S6 and then they break up and she gets pushed to the background and why, show, this is practically the only likeable character you have left and she is so interesting. things i will never understand.


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marketchippie October 7 2010, 05:27:58 UTC
YES YES YES. It's still the best relationship she's ever had as a ~person~ even as Spike/Buffy is an incomparable thing in terms of narrative. (Buffy/Spike, on the other hand, had six seasons to give them an actual arc and relationship development so I could buy them as Buffy-And-Spike even if I could never buy them as Buffy and Spike, which I suppose is the inherent problem with that entire relationship anyway. -I'm sort of confused. Just sentence structure, I think-you don't buy into their separate character arcs, que?) In any case, I love them. I love them because it's easy in all the ways it should be: it's so natural and so human and they bring out the humanness in each other because they are (at that point) so much the same. it's never simple, because, hey, 'verse, but they genuinely like each other and like being around each other and seem to relax into their skin around each other. So refreshing when it comes after Angel, which is basically one big pantomime in which they can't stop saying they love each other because then ( ... )


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marketchippie October 7 2010, 05:50:25 UTC
Ohhh, gotcha. Yeah, I agree at this point-it's a tempest-in-a-teapot ship, and it's stunning flawless etc. but it's not a life-duration-y thing at this point. Which is probably one of the reasons why, love what they are and how they're done, Spike/Dru is always going to be my Spike OTP. Because on the opposite end, I can't see that dying. I feel like they'll always come back to each other, or back toward each other, at least, someday post-Buffy (who's always going to be mortal in the end): the fanged four always do (see: Angel, and how they all inevitably end up in LA at one point or another; they're in each other and magnetized toward each other forever), and those two more than anything. I would love to see how that shakes out.


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