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rainbowstargirl October 7 2010, 04:12:37 UTC
Wait. Something Blue is your Buffy/RILEY episode? I... But... The Spike and Buffy in Something Blue is so beautiful. And while I like Spike and Buffy, I'm not a hardcore shipper. But like, I will go and just re-watch that. Just for that. Although, the Buffy and Riley interaction when she's under the spell is totally priceless...

Anyways, your thinking is pretty and so is your flail.


marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:18:08 UTC
Ha, I know, right? It's not *the* Buffy/Riley episode-that's "The I in Team", in which they have THE REALLY AWESOME SEX (not the possessed-house sex, the post-fighting sex), and I'm like, no chemistry, you say, fandom? YOU ARE BLIND-but that one conversation is so damn snappy and pleasing. It was such a revelation after the endless dirge of s3 Buffy/Angel: I honestly thought I'd never ship Buffy with anyone, and then I realized, no, it's just that Buffy/Angel sucks. So much. For both characters. Eeeech.

But yeah, "Something Blue" is good Spike/Buffy funtimes, both pre-spell and during, when they're doing the most hysterical smoochy-smoochy-times ever.


rainbowstargirl October 7 2010, 04:29:02 UTC
lol I actually ship Buffy and Angel. Don't hate on me? (And Mercedes might be singing that in my head?) But I totally understand criticism of it, and I like her with Spike and Riley at different points (and I might kind of love Spike and Buffy in s7? Don't hold me to it.) Huh. I'm new enough to LJ and actual fandom that I've never actually discussed it either. And I ship Angel with other people, too.

But Something Blue is actually the episode I watch to cheer myself up. Awwww. The wedding invitations!!!!


marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:32:53 UTC
Hee, I won't hate. (I'm not gonna bust the windows out'cha car.) I just...riotously don't understand. Also, David Boreanaz didn't know how to act then. Problems I can't surmount.

Ohh, discussion is basically the most fun part of being here! At least in BtVSland: I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A WORLD WITH SO MUCH META. I can't even-it's just awesome.


rainbowstargirl October 7 2010, 04:39:38 UTC
Fair enough... Well, when he was playing Angelus, I just can't see that at all. And my psych class makes me want to diagnose him with Anti-social personality disorder at that point (although, I guess that might just be part of being a vampire).

No!!! I've lurked and read meta for a while. And I love it like... I love very little else in this life.


marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:46:36 UTC
Oh, I KNOW-him Angelusing in s2 is a revelation, like, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING THIS PERSONALITY, DUDE?

I love s2. Of course. Who am I but an enormous fanged four stan.


rainbowstargirl October 7 2010, 04:52:18 UTC
No, s2 is probably my favorite. It's amazing. The fanged four are awesome (and I love, love, love how Darla not being there is what screws up the balance).

So... I'm creepy. Would it be cool if I friended you on Facebook?


marketchippie October 7 2010, 04:52:58 UTC
oh sure! PM me your page?


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