"This is our last song: it's called 'Shit'.... hang on, 'She'..."

Jun 16, 2008 12:06

Another weekend has flown past the coop, this time spending it in the glorious greenery of Hereford in gorgeous summer weather - Hereford, shockingly, looks far nicer in the summer compared to Cambridge, better old buildings and less Tarquins too.

Myself and The Good Lady left Cambo later than usual due to Linda having no cover for her evening job, so we set off at bout half 6. I was a bit bummed out about this - I don't get to spend much time with my family due to the distance, so I value every moment - but the journey itself made up for that - gorgeous clear roads glistening in hazy sunlight for 200 miles. Even the M42 around Brum - long time readers of this shit might remember the expedition I had back in Feb 2007 around that thing - posed no problem whatsoever.

Anyway, to cut the rest short - arrived in one piece, spent time chilling with family, Linda off to bed after Big Bro, I sat downstairs finally watching AVP:Requiem. It hurt to watch, but less than I thought it would.

Sat was the big reason for why we were down in Hereford in the first place - the first time Gates Of Attrition bassist, THE BEHAEMOTH (aka Mike, Newflesh2000 on here) ever played live with the local band he's been jamming for the last couple of months. Myself and Linda were in a celebratory mood anyway that day - earlier in the morning, Linda got her first customer for her cleaning business, so we went to town in town and, after a pint of Strongbow, I was working hard to drag and carry a sozzled Linda home via a two 1/2 mile walk.

About the gig, if you go over to Mike's LJ, you'll read a more in-depth review, but my view was that the music was less Katatonia, more Placebo, too samey (no variation within separate songs, follwed the same song progression etc.) and weak vocals (but at least the vocalist, who Linda remarked looked like 'a fucking hamster', provided the amusing incident which is the title of this entry). None of these were Mike's fault, and indeed he deployed 'The Facehugger' (his name for his fast and nippy bass fingering technique that had the ladies of the audience gasping in lust ;) ) with general accuracy and aplom, and some of the songs did work quite well, especially when they cut loose and went for it near the end of the set.

Good turn out too: it was a charity gig for which they were the support act to a ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE covers act (believe me, they were an absolute joke, all of them 30 plus, lead singer/guitarist looking like a cross between Dave Lee Roth and Ric Flair if he was at the All You Can Eat buffet for a life time, shades, ill-fitting tight red jeans and all. And how the fuck do you cock up the intro to Billy Idol's White Wedding???), but they had about 50-60 people there which is pretty good for a Hereford gig turnout, plus apparently quite a few people were asking if they had a cd out yet which is another tick in the box. Mike was stoked afterwards, and he was talking about 'exerting some of his own influence' on any future songwriting as he wants the band to go in a more 'varied' direction - always a problem when it's just one person writing the songs.

After that success, t'is was a quick journey to Haydens via a curry shop for a match analysis of tonights performance and playing with H's mental dog Toby.

Sunday - other than resting, we went back to Cambo.

And that's it. BALLS TO THE WALL!
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