"Lets Look Under The Bonnet"

Jun 17, 2008 12:05

Mad props to the people who have come up with OBECALP, a product that is said to help to aid children with any aches and pains, scratches etc. that they may suffer.
The thing is, these tablets are 100% sugar. The name of the product above might give you the true nature of this medicine. And this has been selling like hotcakes. Fucking genius.

After Mike's sterling performance on Sat and due to people saying 'so why aren't you in a band then?' ad nasum all night, I've decided to start looking for a band to join just for shits and giggles. I've always been a bit poor coming up with riffs/solos from scratch, the only things I can seem to write off the bat are (not very complicated) classical acoustic interludes and Primordial-esq Gaelic galloping. These two things, I've found, I'm pretty good at and they sound great, it's just finding a group of people who'd be interested in at least incorporating some elements of that into their sound. Of course, if they've got their own songs, even better. I don't really mind at the mo, I've just felt pretty disengaged with a lot of things recently. I need some fun stress back into my life.

Also thinking about taking up a sport again. Whilst I was a young 'un, I was pretty active with rugby, football, cycling, swimming etc. Nowadays I just do the cycling and that's out of necessity (stopped the swimming when the petrol and the entrance fee became too much). I may see how much joining a judo club or something along those lines is. I used to do Judo when I was 8 and used to hate it then, but back then I just had no patience. I get the feeling that I crave more disipline in my life - my drinking is starting to take a turn for the worse again - and I have the build for Judo so it may be just what I need. It might alsoe stop me from worrying about other things. I tried running thanks to Nick and Hannah's example, but I just feel like a wally whilst running.

I feel like I'm losing contact with a lot of people in my past recently which is a bit of a shitty feeling to have, so I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and join Facebook (thanks for the correction, Ironlord) as there are some on there who do not use LJ.

Mavelled on Sunday at Mike's Chinese M60. It's huge and makes you feel like a real man holding it, compared to Paintball, which just makes you feel like a bruised tool. ;)

Laughing at Kristy's defence that liking Bon Jovi is actually cool and certainly non-ironic; all I can say is that sorry, but the highlight of that little shit's career was when he was decapitated in the first half hour of U-571 (I think tht's it). Looking like Desperate Housewifes trying to rock out with the kids looking bored is never a good look. ;)
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