Apr 02, 2010 02:10
So I'm essentially on vacation. I'm having a great day, went to the store and picked up a bunch of items. Closed two deals today -- ugh, first day of my mini-news blog gig, which had a very sleepy Marisa crawling to the computer to try to scramble and write some news blurbs for this guy -- it was 3am his time by the time i finished, which meant for a very agitated client. so I'm going to work on his stuff early (like around this time) so he can sleep at a decent time.
I purchased a small hand mixer -- I can already feel my wrists rejoicing. Of course...I saw The Mixer. It was tempting me so hard, and the little devil on my shoulder was like, "Go ahead. Get it. You know you want it. You've got those orders pending, you just got a raise, why not treat yourself?" I thought for a moment, then just smiled and walked right past it.
"Is your agenda worth that mixer? If yes, grab it right now. But you know good and well it's not. Keep going."
this is why I'm a terrible impulsive spender, lol.
I still have plenty of leftover spending money, and I'm still set to clear 60% of April's expenses right now. It's April 2nd now. I'd say I'm pretty happy about that.
While I am working through my little Easter vacation (I'm serious about that daily number goal thing, so I want to be doing something everyday so I don't fall off the wagon like exercise lol), I'm certainly not working very hard.
Oh my god. Soul Eater manga is crazy. I think my nose is gonna bleed from the fanservice. Um, like when one of the main character rips off the skirt of his weapon out of fuckin' nowhere -- my head twisted around like crazy. Whaaa?!
I picked up an ice cream scoop, ice cream, chocolate chips (for the cookies I'm going to make for Nicole the Hustler), 2 big things of yogurt, 8 cups of cheese (I like having a nice hot omelette for breakfast -- bread is more/less a treat now -- carbs are really making me sleepy these days).
I want to get a panini press now. This is why I don't go to the store often. :)
I will probably go out to work at subway and eat and work and write some fanfic. It's been a long time since I've actually just enjoyed myself. I need to try to go early to park my space so I don't get trampled. Not sure how crowded it'll be on good friday.
oh man, this vacation rocks already.