So -- I finished off everything. I mean, I still have ... eh... 16,500 words left, but I'm in no real hurry to finish all of it. I might do 5,000 more words today but really I'm rolling pretty happy right now. I just booked 2 new orders today, even though one of my better clients is having to pull back a little bit -- his internet stuff isn't going so hot right now. Doesn't really hurt anything -- Google is cutting me a check next month, which makes me happy. I need to really boost my adsense production, so this vacation I'll probably get to write some fun stuff (I build websites and make online products for sale as a 'hobby' of sorts -- I'm not as serious about it as I should be, but it's soothing. What can I say? I'm a nerd.)
I'm chatting with a client about two more projects for April and May, and otherwise enjoying a very slow, very nice day. I took a brief walk outside, but with nowhere to go and too many dogs just walking the fuck around, I didn't want to go for my normal nighttime walk. So I took out the trash, threw a new bag in.
and holy hell -- I totally know that we're going to upgrade to Camtasia Studio 7.
This program is badass. Our company has purchased a Camtasia license for each version ($300 for your first hit of crack, then $150 for each upgrade thereafter -- but that program has made me more money than any other tool I own. It's highly worth it.)
Anyway. Really, I will probably try to work on writing and stuff -- I want that 5,000 word project finished, and start part of the the next one. I told Client G I lost one of my favorites and he goes, "Oh, I guess I get to be your new favorite, because I have a lot of work for you!" Mmm, stop making a Careerist excited, damn tease ;)
I want to try to sit down and figure out Lavender Scented Memories of Crimson. I left all my fics on some heavy cliffhangers, but I'm going to do what I can to get them updated. Oh man. I also need to go ahead and get the house cleaned up -- I did find a professional cleaner, which I will be using her services to help me clean and organize this space. I really just need someone to be here to talk to me while I clean and organize, but I always like to preclean so that the cleaner can't take forever and a day. It won't take 8 hours to clean a 3-room space. I think she doesn't realize I live in a half step up from a studio by choice -- Suze Orman blathers on about budgeting 35% of your income on the rent + utilities shuffle. Oh hell -- I just can't do that. The idea of something taking up a THIRD of my income as a single chick is ridiculous -- I'm not paying for my landlord's vacations, sorry :) (I'm half-teasing -- I know good and damn well that mortgages can be a bitch, and I don't begrudge her that.)
I just don't think a 22 year old girl that works from home needs to live in a fancy place. I like to be a sleeper car and hold my power on the inside. My friend jokes that I'm spoiled -- I allow myself a few indulgences. Hiring a cleaner regularly inspires me
I am picking up a few new clothes and pairs of shoes this month -- oh, and THE MIXER. I have dreams about using this thing. I dunno what color my KitchenAid mixer is gonna be, but I'm going to be thrilled when it's here -- kneading that fucking dough the other day hurt the hell out of my hands.
Speaking of dough... I'm going to get a few loaves of stuff into the oven. I have to go into town tomorrow to pick up more yeast, some more veggie oil, and some other stuff. As I'm finishing up this post -- I just had another order dropped in my lap. God, I love what I fucking do with a passion. I think I'm going to grab a cheap hand mixer for the moment and another pan -- I'd love to get my big mixer tomorrow but alas...
Need to call the electric company. I just paid them their cash but the lady's like 'well, make sure to call us back to make sure yourname is off the disconnect list. I wasn't feeling well and I missed a few days that last week with all the depression and bullshit...and well, this company sends out a disconnection notice if you're a day late or 7 days late. so it hit the 25th and I was like, maybe $60 off (I still hate these new meters, my bill is GIFUCKINGNORMOUS now), and I wasn't going to give them my cash when I had other things I wanted to do with it -- if you're going to still treat me badly, why would I give you my money early?
I'm grinding my teeth, but they've got my nuts in a wringer -- I obviously can't go without my electricity, hence I have to wake up early and make sure that these fuckers haven't fucked me over. there will be hell on earth because I already don't like being cash crunched -- I mean, this weekend is going to honestly be a rather lucrative one for me (holidays are good because I can take orders at my own pace, which leads to getting shit done faster. I SLAUGHTERED my sales at Christmas by being one of the few writers available. Mmm, nice.)
On a positive note -- one of my clients just told me he loves the letter I wrote for him. It's completely cheesy and over the top, but that's sales for ya. Even though I'm a ghostwriter, I will admit I'm a touch embarassed to share it with people. Wow. *blushes*
I looooove being an anonymous writer. Off I go :)
TL;DR - Moar smut for you soon :)