Aug 09, 2008 23:36

Okay. First thing's first. Kanata Hongo is. Fucking. Hot. sorry for the profanity... or profanities, if it comes out later

HAS ANYONE WATCHED ARASHI'S TRUTH PV? Riida looks SO hot, homg. But Nino was sooooooo prettyyyy XDDD It's no wonder Arashi brought me into JE fandom. Mmm... I like this song. It's different from their other songs. It's more... rocky? =/ I can't pinpoint where the difference lays, but I sure know it's different. ARASHI SAIKOUUUUUUUUUUUU

I'm such a fool. I had been searching for Seito Shokun in the bookshop for SO long when it was right in front of my eyes. AM I BLIND OR SOMETHING?! Anyways, I borrowed the remaining cds, mostly from episode 7 onwards. I...think I missed an episode though. =/

On the other hand, I managed to obtain Zettai Kareshi! but not Jotei as someone had already borrowed it. grr OH MY GAWD- MIZUSHIMA HIRO IS FUCKING HOT WHEN HE SMILES. XD That said, only when I've seen like.. what, 4 episodes? Oh well. He is hot. And the smile. THE SMILEEEEEE :is bricked:

Ah, Jotei. Matsuda Shota's half nekkid bodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :drools: I watched a fanvid [because I'm only up till episode 3] and HOMG! Naoto dies! Ayaka and Naoto =(

Right. On to the drama reviews.

Seito Shokun's main character is annoying. I REALLY dislike those type of teachers. She has an annoying voice and too-fucking-optimistic attitude. >>:; She acted as Matsuko in Kiwareru Matsuko no Issho, which I reviewed before. I think. Basically, she acts as a new teacher in the school, where the class has a weird animosity towards their teachers and all adults alike. Well, well. Turns out that they had gone through a sad, sad event. Their previous teacher note: son of important man in education system had abandoned them on the mountain when he realized that they were lost. Boo! Me no like that teacher. So yeah, a year later, she comes along and tries to make things better. Of course, it's no easy task BUT she manages to triumph by convincing the students. In the end, everybody is happy and bubbly. NOT. Juria[a member of 3TD, a group formed to protect the other students from harm. ceh.] was ignored by her mother since birth, too busy taking care of her sick brother. And then the mam goes insane when the brother dies. Hmm. You'd be thinking "So what?" Well, she gets taken in by her aunt, whose sick son abuses her[sexually, too]. Thus, she ends up unable to trust adults. Heck, she can't trust anyone. Out of depression, she wants to end her life, but the teacher stops her. Oh, sad. Juria stays at home to find out that her cousin is coming home, and she's so afraid that she wants to leave the house. She's on her way out when he comes back and wants to rape her. And THEN Kohei & another guy comes to her rescue [Juria likes Kohei. She led him to a hotel and said that if it was him, then it was alright. ♥] Drama ensues and bla bla bla. Finally, the teacher gets warned for hitting the aunt and gets transferred to another school. I didn't like the ending because... HELLO?! WHERE'S MY JURIA/KOHEI ROMANCE?! =( I really wanted to see Maki and Hongo together. :sob:

Typical story of a high school girl wanting revenge on the powerful because of her mum's death. Oh, she almost got raped by her friend. Hmm. So she goes to Osaka to become the Number One hostess. She meets Naoto, a yakuza who proceeds to help her climb up the ladder of succes after she manages to change his... thoughts of betraying her and selling her to the sex trade. Damn, their kiss scenes are hot. I really need to finish this drama. WHY DID NAOTO HAVE TO DIE? :dies:

What do you see in a boyfriend? Kindness? Hot bod? Smart genes? Worry no more, because the ultimate boyfriend has been borned to you. XD That's what happened to the main character. In the trial process, she ends up getting attached to the robot and proceeds to buy him. However, she's in a huge debt because of that. In the meantime, she gets closer to her boss in the company[I would cause Mizushima Hiro is damn hot]. I heard that Knight dies at the end and the girls ends up with her boss. Yeeeeeey! Cause Hiro is hotter than Mochi. Sorry, Mochi =(

I'll post up the other chapters soon. Sorry if anyone is waiting to see the rest of the story. Exams are SO troublesome. Till next time!

reviews: jdrama, fandom :matsuda shota, fandom :mizushima hiro, fandom :kanata hongo

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