This is what happens...

Aug 06, 2008 18:21

...when someone is bored out of her mind. She has no one to talk to, no one to bother. Heck, she doesn't even have anything to watch/read. When you get to the bottom of it, she's dying of boredom. Pretty quick too.

It's a pretty good drama that actually leads you to think on your own, unlike those other ones that practically give the clues away on first sight. note: maou Anyhow, it's based on the education system in Japan, and the flaws they have. Mainly about bullying. Call me crazy, call me nuts, call me whatever you want. But I seem to have developed a liking towards such dramas. This drama is somehow similiar to ライフ, except that in LIFE, it is all about Ayumu and how she fights against her exbest friend, Manami. Oh, let's not forget about Manami's crazy boyfriend who is the model student but secretly enjoys bounding girls up and threatening them. Well, turns out his father beats him up for every reason possible, so you can't blame him for acting that way. When you get to the bottom of it, the bullys bully not because they want to, simply because they either A. are nuts, gone completely insane. B. too fucking bored so they decided to spend time bullying people. or C. they have been bullied themselves. And the ending seems to implicate a 2nd season. Hmm.. Not sure if I'd want to watch it, no matter how cute Kitano Kii is. But I might watch that new drama she's starring in. Ah, also Teppei's new drama. Teppei kawaiii~ ♥ AH! Mizushima Hiro and Shiida Mirai starred in this drama. HOMG! Hiro's voice was SHOOOO SEXAAAAAAAAAAAAY! :dies:

I finished the anime ages ago, falling in love with Amakusa Ryuu along the way. Amakusa's character is very complicated, because his family is the enemy of the very Dan sensei he admires. However, he aims to bring down his family's business, Meiyousei, run by his grandfather, who was actually the best friend who Dan betrayed in high school Hmm... I might have to read up the remaining volumes of the manga lol. Ah, Megumi seems to have a three way relationship with Q and Ryuu at the end. I wonder how they'll end up. HOWEVER, I am displeased at the friendliness between Ryuu and Q. It's just so...GHEI. I mean, come on! The first smile you emit and you smile at a GUY? O.o That's just so wrong. Did I mention that I watched it for Shiida Mirai? She's cute lol... Mm.. Developed a small crush on Ryuu. Yamada Ryosuke looked much better when he didn't show his teeth. And with the long hair. He looks like an overfed, spoilt rich kid now. ._.;;

Also, I have offically fallen in love with Matstuda Shota. His performance in Liar Game was absolutely captivating. That scene where he was half naked with messy, I-just-woke-up hair? That was the best scene ever XD

Thank you SO much, ai0no0ff for such a beautiful gift. I will treasure it with all my heart =]

Behold the sexy man !

That said, I think I'm done ranting lol. Well, except that I really think that Jin's pretty. But Yamada Ryosuke is way prettier. And worse in character, I should believe. Meh. I'm out.

by the way, you can send me more k8 songs nao, bakaeru

reviews: jdrama, fandom :jin, fandom :mizushima hiro, blogcrew: animanga

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