
Jul 28, 2008 20:26

...should stop trying to speak English. Hollywood doesn't understand your "YOU KNOWS", rain.

Right. Now that that's over with. I liked the ex PS! sister better. At least she was a SNSD hater, like me. And Sohee? Get dressed. I'm embarassed for you. You're the same age as I am, but you're already acting like a slut. :sighs:

Okies~ Chilling time. I'm sorry for spamming your f-lists with so many blogcrew posts. I just needed to get it organized. I'm sorry =( On the other hand, does anyone have a fic request? I have spare time and nothing to fill them. Might as well write ;]

∀ I'd marry Hiro if he'd propose to me in english. move over, jingrish!
∀ I'd kidnap Matshuda Shota & keep him in my closet. [watch LIAR GAME if you haven't. You'd do the same.]
∀ Toda Erika is cute. I like her. Aragaki Yui has a squeaky voice. Mm. Annoying.
∀ Jin's getting pretty and fat again. At least in the pictures.
∀ Jin + Maki = ? [ Jin can't act to save his life. But I still want him to act with Maki. Because Maki is cute. Also because I like Jin.]
∀ Maou. Ohno = scary; Toma = rough? [ Though, the whole drama is ♥]
∀ Tackey is hot beyond words. I WANT MORE TAKKI!
∀ My boy, Tegoshi... can sing [ ...I am completely amazed]
∀ Dana Scully and Fox Mulder are the best couple ever.
∀ The X-Files. Scary, intriguing & oh-so-sinful.
∀ I'm going to rewatch the X-files again.
∀ I don't care how psychotic The Dark Knight is...
∀ ... I still wanna watch the movie. Why?
∀ Because Heath Ledger is ♥

... I have nothing else to say rant about

The conclusion ⇒ Anti-fandom is fun. ;]

Right. Now unto the drama review.

Liar Game has a unrealistic plot that shows the dark side of our human souls. We cheat, lie & hurt each other on a daily basis to get what we want. It flows in our blood. And we don't trust. We never do easily. But if there was a girl, just one, that is so naive, so trusting, so very pure. What would you think? I'd definitely doubt the person. It's too hard to believe the presence of a pure human soul that believes in peace throughout the world, trust in every relationship. I simply can't. But Kanzaki Nao[Toda Erika] is that type of person. So what happens if you put drop a bomb into her life? Let's say, put a 100 million bucks in a box, type out an invitation to a dangerous game. And mail it to her. She'd get shocked, wouldn't she? That's how she reacted. And she somehow gets help from Akiyama Shinichi[Matsuda Shota], a tensai sagishi. As you follow the episodes, you'll come to unravel a sinister plot. One that explains why Nao has to be involved in the game, how akiyama's mother died & who was her killer. Personally, the 3 hour long finale was unnecessary because you basically recapped the whole drama. What's the point in watching it from start to end?! Anyway, the relationship between akiyama and nao was pretty...interesting. I'm not sure if they got romantically involved, but I hope they did. The ending was pretty rushed, though. =/ I like the drama, but it isn't the best.

reviews: jdrama, fandom :jin, fandom :je

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