(no subject)

Mar 29, 2008 00:59

My first fanfic in ages... So it's pretty precious for me... Enjoy?

Jin hated kame with a passion.
He hated the way he smiled, the way he walked, even the way he breathes..
He hated him so, yet couldn't help being drawn to him
Because they were connected, alike in a way
The way which could not be explained, like how people just fall in love without realizing
they were like two peas in a pod, with a defect in each
That one defect, was the one thing seperating them from heaven and hell
They fooled around, slept around and were more than just friends
But somehow jin couldn't stop wondering
Why were they like that?
Their relationship, a stage show full of pretense
Faked enthusiasm
Masks, put on to please the never-satisfied hunger of fangirls
Ways, to earn them more fame and money
The money, which was used to spend on women and drinking, fooling around while they could
When did that feeling start to nag at him
Nag and knaw on the sides, causing him to bleed
Hurting so bad, so painfully throbbing
Wanting to release itself
Screaming to the world
silently wishing, wanting to be himself..
When did things become so twisted?
When did life starts to press down on him?
Therefore, the pressure mounting on his heart increased
Day by day, bit by bit
It crushed him into pieces..
Finally causing a fight
He had said something
It was terribly mean
Yet horribly honest
The truth always hurt, anyway
Ever since that incident, kame had shut himself away
Putting a clear distance between them
Jin was relieved, yet somehow worried
He regretted it
The decision of going to LA
In fact, he wanted to explain
Saying that LA wasn't his own will
That it was johnny san again
shifting blames onto him
making him blameless and innocent
He couldnt stand it anymore
The pressure that kept building up
as huge as a mountain
so high he couldt see the sky
So he told yamapiHe wanted to leave
He needed to breathe
He needed.. to live
So he left
It caused a huge disturbance in japan
Fangirls panicked and kttun was mad pissed
But still, he was happy
weirdly relieved
FREEDOM! at last.
Or so he thought
But the paparazzi was soon hot on his tail
Snapping pictures of his drinking escapade
Of the women he mixed with
And so he came back
But KATTUN was never the same
He would never be the same
And they knew it
KTTUN had changed
Time would heal it, he thought
But it would never heal him
It would never bring back akame
Not unless...
A miracle happened
Miraculously helping them to have a real relationship
Realizing real bonds with them both
The sun would still shine as bright
The rain pouring down as hard
And jin, with a heavy heart...
Engulfed with sinful thoughts
Banished to the land of the dead
The signs of light
Gone, for eternity

Hmmm... If only Jin really thought that way? =/

fanfic :je

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