Short-term hiatus? Probably...

Aug 31, 2008 01:04


BY THE WAY, ITS MALAYSIA 51ST BIRTHDAY. yay. I can hear fireworks. Whatever. ._.

I just wrote a Jinda fic so you can check it out below, kay?
a thousand words ring in my head. for once in my life, it is my own.

anyways, unto the dramas. the lack of internet is really making my head spin. Streamyx &sigh&

Well, I find the idea of a woman climbing into 3 story apartment just to "spy" on her so called "true love" very much bullshit. First off, you can't climb that high without assistance. Secondly, who would do such a dangerous thing? Anyways, Kyouchi or else know as Kyon lives in a family where he has no privacy. After years of complaining, he finally moves out when he enters university. And then, he realizes that someone was entering his room every night, and yet hasn't stolen anything. Out of curiousity, he camps out and catches her. Her name is Suzuki and she just wanted to spy on a guy living directly opposite Kyon's apartment. What Kyon doesn't know is that she is married and is on the verge of a divorce, because her husband cheated on her. In desperation to get away, she remembers her tutor during high school[the man living across kyon]. However, said man is about to get married so she gets kyon to try to break them up. Yet in the process, she falls in love with Kyon. However, Kyon's ex-girlfriend starts to love him more when she knows about suzuki. So, she says some nasty things to Suzuki, making Suzuki leave town. Months later, Kyon's and the people surrounding him have had major changes in their life. Coincidentally, he sees Suzuki on television and pursues her. The ending? Take a wild guess.

Typical, cheesy drama if I have to say anything. Not worth the time. But if you must, then check out their website at wiki below. Note. I did NOT say that Takki sucked. He was the only thing that kept me going to finish the drama. <3


Hmm... Let's see. We have a group of friends consisting of Morita, the talented sculptor & Mayama, the smart and cool-headed engineer & Ayumi, the girl who makes pottery. Last but not least, we have Takemoto Yuta, the awkward student who is the plainest of them all. Ayumi likes Mayama, who in turn likes an older woman who can't seem to forget her deceased husband. Just then, their professor brings his cousin, Hagumi who is very talented in drawing, to the University. Morita is touched by her paintings and reaches out to her. Although it was Yuta who notices Hagu first, Morita seems to be faster and captivates her heart. Then, Morita goes off to the States after rejecting Hagu. In the meantime, the older woman fires Mayama and he goes to another company to work, heartbroken. By chance, Ayumi starts providing pottery for them to sell. She meets a guy who starts to be interested in her. He comforts her as Mayama flounces in between still selfishly holding her back and loving the other woman. Of course, Mayama ends up with the other woman while she gets together with the other man. On the other hand, Morita realizes his feeling for Hagu. Yet, Hagu overcomes her liking for him with some help from Yuta. I'm not sure whether she has ever liked Yuta, but I know that she appreciates his friendship. The ending is but a bittersweet lemon.

The drama provokes your thoughts on many things. I liked how it makes you use your brain instead of just giving it all to you. Plus, Toma was adorable here. I still prefer him in Maou although he smokes

I give it a 4/5. (For more convincing, check out their site at wiki.

"Kaasan, atashi... kekkon dekiru?" was one of the lines that really made me tear. It's so sad how a young girl of 15 has to suffer, knowing that she cannot be like others her age. She is unable to walk, speak, have a relationship. She cannot be normal. That girl is Ikeuchi Aya. However, along the way, she tries to stay positive with the help of her family and Asou-kun, the boy she ends up liking. But nothing will go well, as the illness she has is an incurable one, and she might die from just a simple meal. Before she dies, she tries to do what she can to help people. And she did succeed. On the day of her funeral, many others with the similiar illness, friends all came to send their last respects. Ikeuchi Aya was a strong, brave girl who touched many with her life. Her story, is one of a liter of tears.

But really, I watched it for Ryo. The start was alright but you get drawn in as the plot thickens. I cried the most when she had to break up with Asou. The boy was heartbroken, and so was I. Definitely a 5/5.

Check it out below.

Tsukiyama Kayo works in a editors section of a fashion magazine that stops publishing all of the sudden. Ah, but that's not the end. Her boss puts her in the manga section and she sets off to meet her first writer, Hanazono Yuriko. To her surprise, not only that Hanazono Yuriko is a not a woman. Hanazono Yuriko, was actually made up of four brothers, Kataoka Satoshi, Osamu, Wataru and lastly, Kataoka Hinata. They are in charged of plotting, drawing, backgrounds and managing. However, it was agreed from the start that they would never reveal the truth about their identity. And yet, Tsukiyama's boss decides to dish out their secret to gain more publicity and fame, thus putting them in a bad spot as their secrets get dug up, one by one. Not only is Hinata not their blood-related brother, he is also the son of the man who their father copied his arts from. Alas, everything always turns out well in dramas. Well, mostly. Hinata goes overseas to study, signaling the end of Hanazono Yuriko. They finish their last manga, ending the drama with the hint of Wataru and Tsukiyama's budding relationship.

I really loved Kanata Hongo in this. It's no wonder people said that his role as Kataoka Hinata was his breakthrough role. He is a really awesome and talented young actor. ♥ Note: THIS IS A MUST SEE.

(More info here)

Koga Ikumi finds out that he has gotten an incurable disease[sounds familiar, anyone?] so he quits his job, leaves his fiancee. Following up, he goes to work as a high school teacher. The night before he starts working, he meets a girl, Hina who is his student. However, she pretends to be a 20 year old beautician. She runs off at the last minute, refusing to have sex with him. In turn, he asks her to stay with him for the night, just sleeping silently by his side. She complies and the shock comes when OMFG! THE NEW TEACHER IS THE MAN I ALSO BEDDED. However, their relationship deepens and by mistake, Hina thinks that she has the disease when she overhears Ikumi talking to the doctor. This is where the line between love and dependance starts to fade. His doctor warns him of the danger he risks when cheating Hina, but he cannot stop himself. He falls in love with her, and after many disruptions[including Hina's best friend who gets used by a host & the teacher who rapes his students to find his girlfriend who was reincarnated], their romance finally blooms. But nothing good ever lasts. His illness takes a toll for the worse and the doctor decided to perform an immediate surgery. He dies, but Hina is satisfied that at least, at least she was by his side all the way. At least, she stood by him till his death.

Mmm.. Aya Ueto is pretty good. The chemistry between her and Naohito isn't bad at all. I liked the story too. It shows how desperate human get when they don't want to be lonely. I give it a 4/5.

(Want to know more?)

Sorry for the long reviews, but there are things that has to be said. Ah, bakaeru? I'll do the meme when I get my connection back.

reviews: jdrama, fandom :ikuta toma, fandom :kanata hongo

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