30 Day L'Arc~en~Ciel Challenge - Day 2

Sep 22, 2011 11:54


I just got over a fever! Let's celebrate~ :D

Day 2 - The first song you heard by them.

That's an easy one~ Ready Steady Go! Though the song that really made me fall in love with them was Link. I'll talk more about that one later. :)

The PV is sorta weird~ Don't judge them, just enjoy the music. ^^ More awesome PVs to come, don't worry!

image Click to view

Ugh, now I get to study. Yay? Well, at least my fever's gone away. :) That's promising, right? That's a good thing? Burn, viruses, burn! >:D

Have a fantastical day!

~ Marie Ciel <3

fandom : l'arc~en~ciel, l'arc : 30 day challenge

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