30 Day L'Arc~en~Ciel Challenge - Day 1

Sep 21, 2011 19:11

Hello everyone~

I'm still sick, and the doctor doesn't know what's wrong with me... some super-badass viral infection, it seems. At least it doesn't seem to be too serious, though I would quite like to stop missing classes!

I needed something to cheer me up. So, I took on the L'Arc~en~Ciel 30 Day Challenge! Huzzah.
This should be mightily fun. :)

Well, we have to start somewhere, yes? First day~

Day 1 - Your favorite group picture.
Favorite picture of my favorite band? Well, let's see here~

How can you not love it...? <3

I can tell this is going to be great fun... I'm already cheered up~ :D Music is one of the best kinds of medicine! Most especially L'Arc...

Have a wonderful rest of your day!

~ Marie Ciel <3

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

fandom : l'arc~en~ciel, l'arc : 30 day challenge

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