It's half of a big day!

Sep 19, 2011 21:01

Hey there!

I'm very sad to do it, but I have to use my "sicky sicky" tag again... I've been feeling craptastic for the last couple days. I'm the worst today. Now I have a lot of work to catch up on, too... c'mon, cough medicine! Pull me through! xD;

Just wanted to do a quick little post, an inconsequential announcement... today is a special day for me, but only halfway~ :D
That's RIGHT! Today is my half-birthday!
This is really only a big deal to me because this is the first year that I've actually remembered this fact, since I discovered the existence of half-birthdays. Woohoo~
That AND, today I'm turning a very special number! I know that plalligator knows what it is... it's a secret, shh~ ;) She also knows why it's very exciting, teehee! I'll tell you a secret... it's because I'm DORKY xD

Apparently, including leap years and whatnot, my actual half-birthday was yesterday... but I'm ignoring that fact. Today is the 19th, and my birthday is the 19th, so hey. :D *feels smart*

So why did I do an entire post about the fact that it's my half-birthday? I dunno. 'Cause I'm sick. xD
Anyways, I had the priviledge of lying in bed all day today, trying to recover, which hasn't actually worked yet. But I'm hopeful~ (and taking medicine :D)

In summary,

Leader and Some Staff Guy approve tremendously!

Have a great rest of your day, and don't catch colds!

~ Marie Ciel <3

general : half-birthday, marie : announcement, marie : stories/rambling, marie : sicky sicky, marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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