L'Arc~en~Ciel 30 Day Challenge - Day 3

Sep 23, 2011 06:17

Hello everyone!

I think I'm finally recovering now! I guess that fever did the trick.

Onto the third day! Wasshoi~

Day 3 - Your favorite member.


THIS MAN. Hands-down.

So cute.
So dorky.
So talented. <3

I could gush about how amazing Tetsuya is all day... Just read more of my journal, you'll see! :D
This answer really shouldn't be a huge surprise... If it is, then... look at the title of my journal, at least. xD Hint hint~

Ahh~ He's the most adorkable member of L'Arc, has the most impeccable fashion taste and can pull off ANYTHING, and is one of, if not THE best bassist in the history of anything. :D Our Tetchan~

Looking forward to more of this challenge! <3

And yes, I would like a banana...

~ Marie Ciel <3

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

fandom : l'arc~en~ciel, l'arc : 30 day challenge

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