Оцифрованные кулинарные книги в хронологическом порядке, 1700е в Европе.

Jan 25, 2017 00:48


Из коллекции редких книг по гастрономии библиотеки Конгресса США.

Howard, Henry, fl.   1708. England's newest way in all sorts of cookery. London1708. Page Turner - PDF

King, William,   1663-1712. Art of cookery, in imitation of Horace's Art of poetry.London:  [1709?]. Page Turner - PDF

Lamb, Patrick. Royal   cookery. London :  1710. Page Turner - PDF

Hall, T., cook. Queen's   royal cookery. London:  1713. Page Turner - PDF

Sultzen,   Rietlen. Kuchel Buech von allerhandt Dortlen und eingemachten Sachen.1716. Page Turner - PDF

Eales,   Mary. Mrs. Mary Eales's receipts. Confectioner to her late Majesty   Queen Anne. London, 1718. Page Turner - PDF

Kidder, E. (Edward),   1665 or 1666-1739. E. Kidder’s receipts of pastry and cookery[London: s.n. ca. 1720]. Page Turner - PDF (35 MB)

Nott, John. Cooks   and confectioners dictionary. London: 1726. Page Turner - PDF

Smith, Robert,   cook. Court cookery, or the complete English cook. London,  1725. Page Turner - PDF

[Smith, E],   cook. The compleat housewife London,   1730. Page Turner - PDF

Carter,   Charles. Compleat city and country cook. London: 1732. Page Turner - PDF

Kettilby,   Mary. Collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery...London: 1734. Page Turner - PDF

Middleton, John   (Cook). Five hundred new receipts in cookery, confectionary, pastry,   preserving, conserving, pickling. London, 1734. Page Turner - PDF

Whole duty of a woman, or, A guide to the female sex, from the age of sixteen to sixty,   London: 1735. Page Turner - PDF

Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732. The country housewife and lady's director. London:   1736. Page Turner - PDF

Lebas, J. Festin   joyeaux, ou, La cuisine en musique, en vers libres ... Paris, 1738.Page Turner - PDF

MENON La Cuisinière bourgeoise, Paris,      1746, 2 vol.      in-12 ;

[Menon] Les soupers de la cour; ou, L'art de travailler toutes   sortes d'alimens ... Paris, 1755.   Volume 1: Page Turner - PDF - Volume 2: Page Turner - PDF

[Menon]Traité historique et pratique de la cuisine. Paris,   1758.   Volume 1: Page Turner - PDF Volume 2: Page Turner - PDF

Menon. Art of modern cookery displayed. London, Translation, 1767. Page Turner - PDF

[Marin,   François] Les dons de comus. Paris,  1739. Page Turner - PDF

Le cuisinier  gascon. Amsterdam,  1740. Page Turner - PDF

Adam's luxury,   and Eve's cookery, or, The kitchen-garden display'd .   London :1744. Page Turner - PDF

Glasse, Hannah,   1708-1770. Art of cookery. London, 1747. Page Turner - PDF  Became the most   popular cookbook in England and the American colonies.

Glasse, Hannah,   1708-1770. The Compleat Confectioner, or, The Whole Art of   Confectionary Made Plain and Easy London  [ca.   1770]. Page Turner - PDF

Glasse, Hannah, 1708-1770. The   art of cookery made plain and easy; excelling any thing of the kind ever yet   published ... A new ed., with modern improvements. Alexandria: 1805. Page Turner - PDF

Harrison, Sarah,   active 1733-1777. The house-keeper’s pocket-book and compleat family   cook ... London: 1748. Page Turner - PDF

Briand. Dictionnaire   des alimens, vins et liqueurs. A Paris: 1750.   Volume 1: Page Turner - PDF Volume 2: Page Turner - PDF
  Volume 3: Page Turner - PDF

Verral,   William. Complete system of cookery. London : 1759. Page Turner - PDF

Altamiras,   Juan. Nuevo Arte de Cocina, Sacado de la Escuela de la Experiencia   Economica. En Madrid:  año de 1760. Page Turner - PDF

Price, Elizabeth,   Mrs. New book of cookery. London : [between 1760 and 1770]. Page Turner - PDF

Dictionnaire   portatif de cuisine, d’office, et de distillation. Paris, Vincent, 1767. Page Turner - PDF

Sieur   d'Emy. Art de bien faire les glaces d'office. Paris, 1768.Page Turner - PDF

The British   jewel; or, Complete housewife's best companion ... London, 1769. Page Turner - PDF

Raffald, Elizabeth,   1733-1781. Experienced English house-keeper ... Manchester:   1769. Page Turner - PDF

[Borella]. Court   and country confectioner: or, The house-keeper's guide. London,1770. Page Turner - PDF

The Farmer's   wife, or, Complete country housewife... London:[1780?] Page Turner - PDF

Pegge, Samuel,   1704-1796. The forme of cury: a roll of ancient English cookery, compiled,   about A.D. 1390, by the master-cooks   of King Richard II. London: 1780. Page Turner - PDF

Price, Elizabeth,   Mrs. New, universal, and complete confectioner. London: [ca. 1780]. Page Turner - PDF

Town and country  cook. London: [ca. 1780]. Page Turner - PDF

Maciver,   Susannah. Cookery and pastry. Edinburgh,1784.Page Turner - PDF

Digby, Kenelm,   1603-1665. The closet of the eminently learned Sir Kenelme Digby,   Kt., opened. London:  1791.Page Turner - PDF

Abbot, Robert,   Cook. The Housekeepers Valuable Present, or, Lady's Closet Companion:   Being a New and Complete Art of Preparing Confects, According to Modern   Practice [London]: [1790 or 1791?]. Page Turner - PDF

Trusler, John,   1735-1820. The Honours of the Table. London, 1791.Page Turner - PDF

Warner, Richard,   1763-1857. Antiquitates culinariae, or, Curious tracts relating to   the culinary affairs of the old   English, with a preliminary discourse, notes, and illustrations. London   : 1791. Page Turner - PDF

Briggs,   Richard. The English art of cookery, according to the present   practice London: 1794. Page Turner - PDF

Le manuel de   la friandise. Paris,  1796 et 1797. Page Turner - PDF

Simmons,   Amelia. American Cookery, or, the art of dressing … Hartford:  1796. Page Turner - PDF

Nutt,   Frederick. Complete confectioner. London, 1797.Page Turner - PDF


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