1800-1859 Кулинарные книги, опубликованные на Западе.

Jan 27, 2017 11:07


Berchoux, J. de (Joseph), 1762-1838. La gastronomie; ou, L'homme des champs à table, pour servir de suite à L'homme des champs, par J. Delille. Paris : Giguet et Michaud, 1803.Page Turner - PDF

Art du limonadier. Paris, Galland, libraire, [Impr. de P. N. Rougeron] 1804.Page Turner - PDF

Art de composer facilement et a peu de frais, les liqueurs de table. Paris, Dentu, 1807.Page Turner - PDF

Mollard, John. Art of cookery made easy and refined. London, J. Nunn, 1808.Page Turner - PDF

Caird, John. Complete confectioner and family cook. Edinburgh: John Anderson, 1809.Page Turner - PDF

Friedel, Louise-Béate-Augustine, -1818. Confiseur impérial, ou, L'art du confiseur dévoilé aux gourmands Paris : Henri Tardieu, 1809.Page Turner - PDF

Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby, 1745-1828. New system of domestic cookery. London, Printed by S. Hamilton for J. Murray; [etc., etc.] 1810.Page Turner - PDF

Appert, Nicolas, 1749-1841. Art of preserving all kinds of animal and vegetable substances for several years. London, Black, Parry and Kingsbury, 1811.Page Turner - PDF

Haywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756. Present for a servant maid, or, The sure means of gaining love and esteem : ... to which are added directions for going to market, also, for dressing any common dish, whether flesh, fish, or fowl, with some rules for washing, &c. : the whole calculated for making both the mistress and the maid happy.London, Black, Parry and Kingsbury, 1811.Page Turner - PDF

Magiron. Nouveau cuisinier universel. Paris : Ledentu libraire, 1812.Page Turner - PDF

Tellier, Ch. (Charles), 1828-1913. Conservation de la viande et des matières organiques alimentaires par des moyens naturels. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1913.Page Turner - PDF Ude, Louis Eustache. French cook, or, The art of cookery developed in all its various branches. London, Printed by Cox and Baylis for the author, 1813.Page Turner - PDF Carême, Marie Antonin, 1784-1833. Patissier royal parisien, ou, Traité élémentaire et pratique de la patisserie ancienne et moderne. Paris: J. Renouard et cie, 1815.Page Turner - PDF

Durand, b 1766. [from old catalog] Cuisinier. Nîmes, Impr. De P. Durand-Belle, 1830.Page Turner - PDF

Le Cuisinier méridional d'après la méthode provençale et languedocienne : contenant la cuisine, l'office et la pâtisserie, un traité sur la dissection des viandes, la connaissance des viandes, volailles, gibiers et poissons, un dictionnaire pour servir à l'intelligence des termes de cuisine. Avignon : Pierre Chaillot Jeune, 1835.Page Turner - PDF

Belon. Patissier national et universel. Paris, 1836. Page Turner - PDF

Chevrier, A. Cuisinier national et universel : contenant les recettes de la cuisine proprement dite, de la charcuterie, de la patisserie, de l'office dans ses diverses parties ... Paris : [s.n.], 1836.Page Turner - PDF

Copley, Esther. Cook's complete guide, on the principles of frugality, comfort, and elegance London : George Virtue, 1836.Page Turner - PDF

Johnstone, C. I. (Christian Isobel), 1781-1857. Cook and housewife's manual.Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd ; London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1837. Page Turner - PDF

Bryan, Lettice, Mrs. [from old catalog] Kentucky housewife. Cincinnati, Stereotyped by Shepard & Stearns, 1841.Page Turner - PDF

[Fayot, Alfred Charles Frédéric], 1797-1861,  ed. Les classiques de la table. Paris, Au Dépôt, Dentu; [etc., etc.] 1843.Page Turner - PDF

Destaminil, M. Cuisinier français perfectionné, contentant les meilleures prescriptions de la cuisine ancienne et moderne ... [Paris] B. Renault, 1844.Page Turner - PDF

Destaminil, M. Cuisinier français perfectionné : contenant les meilleures prescriptions de la cuisine ancienne et moderne ... Paris : B. Renault, 1846.Page Turner - PDF

Montefiore, Judith Cohen, Lady, -1862. The Jewish Manual, or, Practical Information in Jewish and Modern Cookery : With a Collection of Valuable Recipes & Hints Relating to the Toilette. London : T. & W. Boone, 1846. Page Turner - PDF

Francatelli, Charles Elmé, 1805-1876. French cookery: the modern cook.Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1846.Page Turner - PDF

Cheap receipts and hints on cookery; collected for distribution amongst the Irish peasantry in 1847. Armagh, Printed by J. M’Watters, 1847.Page Turner - PDF

Ude, Louis Eustache. French cook; a system of fashionable, practical and economical cookery, adapted to the use of English families. London, Ebers, 1841.Page Turner - PDF

Hayward, A. (Abraham), 1801-1884. Art of dining; or, Gastronomy and gastronomers.London, J. Murray, 1853.Page Turner - PDF

[Rutledge, Sarah], 1782-1855. House and home; or, The Carolina housewife.Charleston, S.C., J. Russell, 1855.Page Turner - PDF

Soyer, Alexis, 1809-1858. Shilling cookery for the people. London: Geo. Routledge & Co., 1855.Page Turner - PDF A Frenchman from the generation of 1830, Alexis Soyer made his name by bringing the brilliance of French cooking to the English housewife. This book sold 10,000 copies on its first day of release, and nearly 300,000 copies within three years

Bailleux, Louis. Patissier moderne. Paris, 1856.Page Turner - PDF

Gogué, Antoine. Secrets de la cuisine francais. Paris, Hachette, 1856.Page Turner - PDF

Lobanov-Rostovskii, Aleksandriakovlevich, kniaz', 1788-1866. Tablettes gastronomiques de Saint-Pétersbourg. St.-Pétersbourg, Impr. É. Pratz, 1856.Page Turner - PDF

Acton, Eliza. English bread-book for domestic use. London, 1857.Page Turner - PDF

Soyer, Alexis, 1809-1858. Soyer's culinary campaign. Being historical reminiscences of the late war. With the plain wit of cookery for military and civil institutions the army, navy, public, etc. etc. By Alexis Soyer ... London, New York, G. Routledge & co., 1857.Page Turner - PDF Audot, Louis

Eustache. Cuisiniere de la campagne et de la ville. Paris, Audot, 1859.Page Turner - PDF

Audot, L.-E. (Louis-Eustache), 1783-1870. Bréviaire du gastronome utile et récréatif,. Paris, Audot [18-].Page Turner - PDF


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