(no subject)

Mar 17, 2011 21:19

Title: Anata no namae. (4/?)
Rating: PG-13, for now.
Pairings: AoixUruha
Genre: Cursing, angst, future fluff & suggestive situations.
Disclaimer: I just own the storyline, not these gorgeous men. *sob*
Summary: Yuu is determined to start his musical career, he has it all, talent, drive, and a possible band...but something gets in his way and perturbs his train of thought....Kouyou.

I tried not to keep looking, but every glance I took made my heart sink deeper inside of me. I kept drinking, moving stool after stool so I was farther away from Kouyou and his mystery man. Finally, we ended up on opposite sides, but of course I still kept a careful eye on both of them. Kouyou looked uncomfortable to say the least, he would fidget around with his short dress and pull it down, but then the man would snake his hand up Kouyou’s leg and pull the dress up, caressing Kouyou’s thigh. The man was certainly into Kouyou, because he couldn’t keep his hands off of him. He’d play with his hair, kiss him on the lips and even feed him small orderves. I could tell from Kouyou’s eyes that he didn’t like the man at all, and he felt uncomfortable with him touching him. After a while of me watching, I noticed Kouyou slipping his coat on and then he stood up, I figured that they were about to leave. The man slipped his hand around Kouyou’s arm and then pulled him close, kissing his neck enticingly. I almost felt a rush of jealousy run through me when he did that, wishing that it could be me instead, but then I mentally kicked myself knowing just how ridiculous I sounded.

I didn’t want to look too suspicious, so I waited a while after they left. I figured they had gone back to Kouyou’s apartment or something to engage in lewd activities, and quite frankly, the thought of it sickened me. Kouyou, in my eyes was like a small lamb. So innocent and pure, who could possibly want to ruin that? But I knew for a fact that I was probably wrong, but I didn’t want to believe it. I barely knew Kouyou, and from what I could tell, he was shy and conserved, but quiet people do have the loudest minds. My vision was getting blurry at this point, I completely lost track of all the drinks I had and honestly, I didn’t care. I stood up, my feet wobbling, my head spinning and my vision uneven. But either way I made my way out of the bar and waited for the bus.

The same thoughts kept haunting me; I could stop thinking about Kouyou. Every thought I had felt like my mind was getting poisoned. It was later, I didn’t know the time, but it was late. I really hoped that Takanori wasn’t waiting up for me, the last thing I wanted to do was worry him. After what felt like hours, the bus showed up. I noticed that busses in Tokyo hated arriving on time.

I took a seat as soon as I got on, stumbling, but I made it on. I tried not to make it too conspicuous that I was drunk, but my constant hiccupping perhaps gave it away. I felt a bit disturbed as the bus drove away from the bar; all I could picture Kouyou doing now was inappropriate things. And he was my band mate, someone I was going to work very closely with, and now that I knew part of his secret life, I knew I would never look at him the same. Maybe you’re judging him too soon Yuu! I thought, but what if I’m not? What if Kouyou is a pr-prostitute? I hated saying the word, and I hated thinking that Kouyou sold his body for money.

Finally, we the bus stopped, and conveniently, it was my stop. I got off, barely recognizing the streets and too intoxicated to notice numbers on houses. I hardly remembered what Takanori’s house looked like, but I knew that his house had a small black light outside of it, and on the porch he had planted a patch of violets. I opened my eyes wide and looked around for the flowers, even in the dim light I was able to spot the small purple flowers. I quickly paced myself to the door, slid the key in and walked in. The strong aroma of coffee quickly infiltrated my nostrils, and the bright light of the kitchen caught my eye. I really hoped that Takanori wasn’t awake; I knew it was late and he was probably worried.

‘Yuu?’ Takanori called out meekly, ‘is that you?!’ I walked towards the kitchen, putting my keys on the coffee table, and responded with a quiet yes. Takanori was in the kitchen sipping on some coffee and looking through his magazines, yet again. ‘Takanori?’ I asked, ‘Why are you up?’ I peered at the clock near the stove, ‘its 11…wait. It’s 11? What the hell! It’s not even that late!’ Takanori smiled, ‘I know Yuu. You weren’t gone that long. Besides, I always have coffee late at night when I can’t sleep.’ I giggled as I sat down next to him, ‘Coffee isn’t going to help, you know.’ Takanori sipped on his coffee again, ‘I’m well aware.’ He shot me a smart aleck smirk, ‘I just love the feeling of the caffeine rushing down my throat. It soothes me.’ ‘Mind if I have some?’ I asked, ‘Go right ahead.’ Takanori replied as he flipped a page of his Italian Vogue.

It was morning now, and the previous night didn’t feel real at all. I tried making myself believe that what I saw at the bar was a dream and that I really didn’t witness what I witnessed. I tossed and turned the whole morning, I was so hung over. I think Takanori knew because he didn’t come to check up on me once. I was starting to feel like a burden to Takanori, it was just one of my pesky complexes. I always felt like I abused people’s kindness, even if I really wasn’t. And I felt like a total and utter moron for not letting my parents know right away what happened. Maybe they could send me a little bit of money, just to at least get by for a few months. My head was throbbing horribly and all the thinking I was doing was just making it worse. I tried to shut my eyes and push every thought aside, but no luck. I looked at the clock on the nightstand couldn’t believe my eyes. 4:30pm…. “What!’

I jumped out of bed, almost tripping on my own two feet and quickly ran downstairs. I felt like my whole day was wasted, and I just simply hated to oversleep. ‘Takanori?! Taka? Are you here?’ I called out as I walked towards the kitchen, the place was eerily quiet, and there was no sign of Takanori being anywhere. I lightly groaned as I rested my back against the wall. Wonderful, just wonderful, my whole day, gone, I didn’t even know why I was overreacting; maybe it had something to do with the previous ni-…never mind.

I went back upstairs, calling out Takanori’s name, but he wasn’t answering. I knocked on his bedroom door, and out of nowhere it cracked open, ‘Taka?’ I whispered as I stepped inside his room, a place I had never stepped foot in before. I looked around his room, it represented him in more ways than one, that was for damn sure. The walls were painted an opaque burgundy, and white linen curtains hung from the windows. The room had a strange almost temple like feel to it, he had an incense burner on his nightstand, and various packs of cigarettes aligned next to it. His bed, however, caught my eye the most. The sheets were a light blue, almost like the sky, and his pillows white, like delicate clouds floating up above. I sighed as I imagined myself collapsing on his bed, not to be rude, but the guest bed wasn’t too comfortable, and it was beginning to hurt my back.

‘Yuu, are you okay?’ Takanori suddenly interrupted my thoughts as he stepped closer to me, ‘What happened?’ ‘No, nothing. I’m fine….’ I answered, almost feeling bewildered. ‘I was j-just looking for you.’ Takanori smiled right after I said that, and his cheeks lightly flushed, ‘I was outside, smoking.’ He replied nonchalantly, ‘Sorry to have frightened you.’

We went back downstairs, just to simply relax. Takanori offered me something to eat, but my stomach was too jacked up. ‘Man, I feel so unproductive.’ I complained as I sat down, my body feeling like a two ton truck had landed on it. ‘And on top of that, I have a massive hangover.’ Takanori sat next to me, his usual cup of coffee in his hand, and that same issue of Italian Vogue in his arm. ‘Well, why did you drink so much?’ he asked bluntly, ‘No one was telling you to drown yourself in alcohol.’ Little did he know, something else was drowning me, something that shouldn’t bother me, but somehow it managed to eat me up inside. ‘What do you know about Kouyou?’ I blurted out as vivid images of the previous night embedded in my mind once more. ‘I-I, what do you mean?’ Takanori’s eyebrow knitted as he looked at me, studying my concerned face. ‘I mean, do you know him for anything else but being a guitarist? Is he dating someone?’ I felt like I was rambling and perhaps being extremely nosey, but fuck it, I wanted to know, and he was Takanori’s friend. Takanori kept staring at me, trying to decipher what I meant, but his expression answered none of my questions, ‘Kouyou is quiet.’ He finally said, his voice diminishing to a whisper. ‘He speaks when spoken to, and says nothing more.’ Takanori’s tone of voice seemed uninterested and almost annoyed, perhaps he really knew nothing.

I was growing extremely curious in this whole Kouyou situation, I felt like I needed to know more about him, there was more to know about Kouyou. And a side of me felt like Takanori knew something, and he just wasn’t telling me. But then again, what right did I have asking such bold questions? I barely knew Kouyou, odds are I probably came off as creepy to him, and that’s why he avoids me. But the night before, just baffled me, and I couldn’t quit thinking about it, mainly about him. Why was he in fishnets, with lipstick, kissing another man? What if Takanori knows that Kouyou’s a prostitute and he does just not want to admit it? I bit my lip as all these questions flooded my mind, this ordeal was sure going to fuck me up, but I wasn’t ready to put it to bed.

Being the stubborn bastard that I am, I decided to go back to the bar, just to see if maybe Kouyou would be there again. I knew I was being a fool, but I simply didn’t care. Without telling Takanori anything, I sneaked my way out of his house, caught the bus and then arrived at the bar. It was empty, of course. Who really goes out drinking in the middle of the week? But Kouyou surely did, at least the previous night. My sick mind had suddenly turned the previous night into a mini obsession, maybe the perverted side of me just wanted to see Kouyou again in a slutty outfit, but the other side of me just wanted the truth.

I decided to take it easy with the drinks this time; I didn’t want to end up drunk or anything, again. I ordered whiskey on the rocks, and just sipped on that for awhile. Time was dragging along once more; I would stare at my wrist watch, and just watch the hours drag by. I was seriously hoping that Takanori wouldn’t get upset, but then I realized, I’m a grown ass man, I can do whatever the hell I want to do. I finished my first round of whiskey and then ordered another one, I was beginning to loosen up, and the place seemed to get a little more crowded with each sip I took.

My little corner had become the perfect hideout, and I tried to keep my distance from other people by giving off that ‘don’t talk to me’ vibe. I slipped my sunglasses on, and with my black leather jacket, I sure hoped I looked tough. I glanced at my watch again, and it was around the time when the bar would begin to get a bit full, and if Kouyou didn’t show up in the next twenty minutes, I was out. I took a huge sip of my whiskey, and slammed the cup on the wooden table, taking a huge breath as the alcohol prickled my throat. ‘So, I hear you like to stalk people, am I right?’ that voice, the voice I seldom knew, could it be? I was afraid to look up, but that fragrance made me realize it was reality. The strong intoxicating scent of lavender ran up my nostrils, causing my hairs to stand up. I looked up and saw exactly what I was waiting for, but not what I wanted to see.

(sorry the update took so long >_< i've just had a horrible writers block, and i've been trying to do school shit and whatnot. LOL. anyway, my birthday is sunday! WOOO! ~ LOL. So hopefully i'll have chap 5 up soon! expect shit to get more confusing and longer chaps! thanks for reading! :)
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