(no subject)

Mar 30, 2011 22:22

Title: Anata no namae. (5/?)
Author: mariakouyou 
Rating: PG-13, for now.
Pairings: AoixUruha
Genre: Cursing, angst, future fluff & suggestive situations.
Disclaimer: I just own the storyline, not these gorgeous men. *sob*
Summary: Yuu is determined to start his musical career, he has it all, talent, drive, and a possible band...but something gets in his way and perturbs his train of thought....Kouyou.

My jaw clenched tightly as I tried to form words, ‘Erm, Ko-Kouyou? What brings you here?’ I stupidly asked, trying to avoid the first question getting repeated. Kouyou had an amused expression on his face, almost like he was expecting to see me as well. ‘Oh, just waiting for someone you know…you do know, right?’ his questions were hitting me like rapid fire, and his gaze was piercing, intimidating…I didn’t want to look up. ‘What do you mean? I don’t know anything.’ I tried to play it off by sipping on my drink, and not making any form of eye contact. ‘Don’t play stupid with me…I saw you here last night…’ his voice got lower, ‘I saw you staring at me…I recognize d you.’ His tone of voice was serious, and I knew I had just gotten myself in a shit load of trouble. ‘I wasn’t stalking you, if that’s what you’re thinking.’ I lied, trying to make it sound believable. Kouyou grunted, his plump lips curling into a diverted smirk. ‘You’re such a bad liar Yuu.’ He whispered. He remembered my name, I could’ve sworn I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my feet and then back to my chest. I was actually happy that Kouyou remembered who I was, even if it wasn’t for a good thing.

‘Listen, Kouyou I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was stalking you, I just happened to be in the same place as you, and I recognized you, and…’ ‘Save it.’ Kouyou cut me off, ‘I don’t care what you were doing here last night, I’m just warning you, if you say one thing about what you saw to anyone, I swear I’ll kill you with my two bare hands.’ His words cut deep into my soul, and I swallowed hard in response. The way he spoke to me, it intimidated me far beyond what words could say. ‘I-I won’t say a thing…I swear.’ I whispered, feeling truly scared, ‘Good.’ Kouyou replied, ‘At least you know what’s good for you.’ He walked off, leaving me completely debauched of my manliness. I felt weak and embarrassed, now I was positive Kouyou didn’t like me.

I left as soon as Kouyou turned his back on me, I couldn’t bear to be there another second. I felt completely ashamed, and I didn’t even want to look at Kouyou again. But erasing him from my mind was something I couldn’t do; his face was forever etched in the back of my brain. That beautiful face of his, that bone structure that seemed like it was carved by the gods themselves, those plump lips that were slightly coral tinted. How I wished I could’ve kissed him, and how I wanted to run my hands down his milky thighs…Stop it Yuu, you’re demeaning yourself. Kouyou clearly wants you to stay away. And the sad part was, I knew he wanted me out of his life, yet I didn’t want to believe it.

I didn’t even take the bus back to Takanori’s house, I walked back. I felt like complete shit, and didn’t even know why. Sure, I’d been caught, threatened, and practically yelled at by my darling Kouyou, but a side of me just wanted the sheer indulgence of castigating myself. The night was bitter cold, and the sky clear of any precipitation, at least I was forgiven that much.

Upon reaching Takanori’s house I walked in and found Takanori sleeping on the couch, he looked so innocent and feeble lying on the couch, his body sprawled out, with a book in his hands. I smiled at the sight, and walked up the stairs. I locked myself in the guest room, not knowing what to do, or what to say. I was confused by my own actions at this point. I felt like Kouyou was testing me, like he was playing hard to get, except he wasn’t playing, he just simply didn’t want to have anything to do with me. I wasn’t giving up though, if Kouyou wanted a war, I was going to give him exactly what he wanted.

The next day, I woke up early, maybe a little too early. I had gone to bed early, therefore waking up early. But I had done a lot of thinking the previous night, and I had decided to give Kouyou a taste of his own medicine. Takanori had mentioned to me that we were having a band meeting on this day, so I was actually anticipating seeing Kouyou again, and I didn’t feel intimidated in the least bit. I was up way before Takanori, and figured why not cook him breakfast for once? I started making eggs, coffee, and oatmeal. Usually all the things Takanori enjoyed for breakfast. The delicious smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the house in a matter of seconds, and I knew Takanori would be down in no time chasing the scent. He was a form of nicotine and caffeine addict, and I was actually glad, because I’m exactly the same. Just as I had predicted, I heard feet shuffling upstairs, and in seconds, Takanori was rushing through the kitchen door, drawn in by the scent of coffee. ‘Wow Yuu…you actually cooked breakfast.’ He smiled as he wrapped his robe around his body, ‘Everything smells delicious…’ he took a quick whiff of everything, ‘What’s the occasion?’ I laughed, ‘No, no special occasion, I just wanted to surprise you.’ I finished washing the dishes, and then took everything to the table. ‘Are you ready to eat?’ I asked, ‘Am I going to die?’ Takanori joked, ‘I doubt it…my cooking isn’t that lethal….I hope.’ We both laughed.

‘So, we’re having a band meeting today?’ I asked as I took a bite of my eggs, Takanori nodded as he sipped on his third cup of coffee. ‘Actually, Akira and Kouyou will be over in a few hours. We’re going to have to warm up today actually…and we’re going to go to Akira’s house, he has all the instruments. And Kouyou’s going to bring his extra guitar too, so you won’t be guitar-less.’ I sighed, forgetting that minor detail. I was going to be using Kouyou’s guitar, meaning he had to be nice to me, because I could ‘accidentally’ break it or ruin it. A devious grin spread across my face, ‘Oh riiiiight…’ Takanori’s eyebrow arched, ‘Hm? Why the smile?’ I shook my head, ‘Oh, it’s nothing. Nothing at all.’
Time seemed to have flown by, because before I knew it, Akira and Kouyou were knocking on the door. I was feeling anxious; I knew it would be intimidating to see Kouyou again, especially after what he told me. But I was on to him, and his little game. And keeping out of his life was definitely something I wasn’t going to do.

Takanori grabbed his man-purse, as I liked to call it, and then grabbed his coat. I only had the jacket I had been wearing since the day my apartment burned down, so I just wore that. ‘Are you sure you won’t be cold?’ Takanori asked me as he slipped his coat on, ‘I have other coats you could wear, because it’s really chilly out.’ I shook my head, denying his offer. ‘I’ll be fine, I promise.’ We walked out, and hell it was cold, and I was soon regretting not taking up on Takanori’s offer, but we weren’t going to be out much longer. ‘Oh, and by the way, we’re walking to Akira’s house.’ Takanori mentioned, Oh just fucking wonderful.
Takanori walked up to Akira and gave him a quick hug, and then he hugged Kouyou. I felt my heart sink a little because I knew I couldn’t greet him that way. I just simply bowed to both of them, keeping my eyes distant from Kouyou. ‘Are we all ready?’ Takanori asked, ‘Oh, and don’t worry Yuu, Akira’s house is just up a few blocks. It’s a beautiful day, despite the wind chill, no?’ I nodded, pretending to actually enjoy the wind whipping the side of my face, when in all actuality I wanted to run back into the house and go to sleep.
Takanori and Akira walked in front of us; they looked like a couple walking together and so close to each other. I thought it was kind of sweet, especially how Takanori was short and Akira towered over him. But then there was me, and I got left behind with Kouyou, our bodies feet away, and our gazes locked on the hard concrete beneath our feet. I would close my eyes and take deep breaths as the wind would practically knock the breath out of me. I was really beginning to miss the weather from Mie, that nice salty breeze; it was so warm and soothing. But I knew that living in Tokyo would pay off soon enough.

When we finally reached Akira’s house, I could’ve sworn I was the first one to run inside. I was so cold, and yearned for some heat. Akira laughed as he set the keys down on the counter of the kitchen, and then slipped his jacket off, ‘I’m guessing you’re cold, Yuu?’ ‘Y-Y-Ye-s-s.’ I stuttered, it was so obvious how cold I was. ‘Well, start getting used to it.’ Kouyou retorted as he took his jacket off. I could still sense the hostility in his voice, but I didn’t feel threatened by it. ‘I suppose.’ I whispered, ‘I can’t wait until spring comes around though.’ Takanori smiled, ‘spring will be here eventually, I’m actually getting sick of the cold as well.’ I took a deep breath as I sat down on one of the stools of Akira’s kitchen, ‘Do you have anything warm to drink?’ That unbenign awkwardness around Akira was beginning to fade, and I was beginning to grow quite fond of him. ‘Sure, what would you like?’ he replied, ‘Coffee? Tea?’ I thought about it for a moment, ‘I guess just coffee, black coffee, no sugar or anything. I like it plain.’ ‘Alright, black coffee coming right up for the dark haired gentleman!’ I laughed at Akira’s little joke, knowing that at least ONE of Takanori’s friends liked me.
I could hear Kouyou and Takanori in the other room, speaking amongst themselves and getting out equipment, or so it seemed. I watched as Akira finished preparing the cup of coffee, and then he handed it to me, still offering if I wanted anything, but I simply shook my head. Truth was, I did just want my coffee plain, but somehow Akira wasn’t buying it. I took my cup of coffee with me into the other room of Akira’s apartment, and the warm feeling of his house just seemed to amplify even more. He had a big fluffy couch in the middle of the room, and several small lamps around the room, perhaps filling the void of him not having an actual source of light. Overall, his abode was comfortable, and I was only happy that band practice would be held there. His home reminded me a lot of my apartment, and it only added to the feeling of nostalgia that I was trying hard to push aside.

‘Would you mind getting your guitar from the storage room downstairs?’ My thoughts got blocked out as soon as I heard Akira’s voice; his stare was completely directed towards Kouyou, and I could automatically sense that Kouyou wasn’t happy that he had to leave the comfort of Akira’s apartment to go down the stairs and into the storage room. ‘And take Yuu with you too.’ He added, and that’s when my stomach collapsed down to my feet. I could feel that dry lump inside my throat and the bitter taste in my mouth, Oh how I didn’t want to go down there with Kouyou, especially not alone.

Kouyou nodded, simply giving me an autocratic look, indicating me to follow him. I didn’t want to, but I had to suck it up. Did I want a guitar or not? I stood up, putting my coffee down, and following the lioness out of the apartment. My face received a firm slap, and not from Kouyou, but from the fierce wind. I was dreading my big move to Tokyo, and I missed Mie terribly, but I knew that I just had to tough it up. And I had to learn how to deal with Kouyou, even if we got off on bad terms, he was going to be my band mate, and somehow we had to make it work. He walked in front of me, his pace steady and domineering, while mine was slow and phlegmatic. Akira’s apartment complex was rather odd and like nothing I had ever seen before. It was out in the open, and everything was divided by stairs, definitely not your typical apartment building. ‘So where’s this storage room?’ I asked, the tone in my voice was befuddled, hence my asking. ‘Around here.’ Kouyou replied absentmindedly. I kept following his lustrous hair, and how beautiful it looked as the wind tousled it, and as the sun hit it. I kept pushing the thoughts away, but they crawled back up and stayed there. ‘We’re here.’ Kouyou announced as we stopped at a sudden apartment door. I stared at the maroon door, it looked a lot like Akira’s door, and it didn’t even say storage on it. ‘T-This doesn’t look like a storage room.’ I said, still feeling confused, ‘Well, that’s because it’s not.’ Kouyou purred as he stared up at me, his menacing deep hazel eyes unwillingly raping my own black eyes. ‘What do yo-…’ but before I could ask another silly question, Kouyou opened the door, and upon walking in, I noticed that the place did look an awful lot like a storage room. ‘This is my apartment…Akira just calls it the storage room to simply be an asshole. But I live here.’ Kouyou wondered off around his house as I looked around, of course I was taken with the ambiance of Kouyou’s apartment. I let my nostrils and pupils wonder off to smell and see what I so much longed for.

His place was nothing like Kouyou; it didn’t reflect him at all. It was cluttered and messy, and I couldn’t really see far beyond the CD and DVD cases he had aligned in the corner, but there sure was a lot. He had a large television in the middle of the room, and I could only picture him lying down on his couch watching movies, something I was extremely fond of. ‘Nice place you got…’ I called out, hoping Kouyou would hear me. ‘Thanks…’ he called back, and then he stepped out of the hallway, holding a beautiful black guitar. ‘I-Is this the guitar you’re letting me borrow?’ I asked, trying not to make any form of eye contact. ‘Yes.’ He said, I looked up at him and saw him smiling, those pretty pearly whites were hypnotizing in a way, but maybe because I just found myself so physically attracted to this man that wants absolutely NOTHING to do with me. ‘I hope you take good care of my baby.’ He whispered as he kissed the neck of the guitar, his plush lips pressing hard on it. ‘We’ve been through a lot…’

I didn’t know why Kouyou was being so nice to me, he was letting me borrow his favorite guitar, and he was actually talking to me, what? Kouyou talking, and to me?! That is just unheard of! I was so aroused at the moment, I wanted to hug Kouyou, and shower him with kisses, but I knew that things had to move at a glacial pace if I actually wanted to have a form of relationship with him. ‘I’ll take excellent care of her…or him.’ I smiled sheepishly as I bit on my lower lip, Kouyou’s own lips curled into a meek smile. ‘It’s a she…I call her Lucy.’ He handed ‘Lucy’ to me carefully, and of course I took the guitar and practically praised it. I ran my fingers on the neck of it, tracing the spot where Kouyou had kissed it.

‘Listen, Yuu, about the other night; I didn’t mean to scare you. I was a little…well um...under the influence and I was going to confront you about what you saw, but in a different way…’ his voice trailed off as he stared at me intently, ‘I-What you saw…he’s just a friend, with benefits, you could say.’ I could sense the distress in Kouyou’s voice, and all I could do was nod my head, telling him that I understood. ‘He means nothing to me, and I don’t know why I’m telling you this because obviously you don’t care, but I have to tell someone…’ he took a deep breath as he sat down on the couch, ‘please, sit down, we have time. I can assure you that they don’t miss us.’ I moved quickly and went to sit down next to him, our thighs mere centimeters away from touching. ‘The man you saw that was touching me and kissing me…he…well Yuu...he gets me drugs.’ Kouyou scratched the back of his head nervously. My eyes widened at the sudden confession, but I knew that a lot of people were into that, I just wasn’t expecting Kouyou to be that way. ‘He provides me with all the drugs I could ever ask for…but I have to repay him of course, but before you start thinking I’m a whore or whatever…’ ‘NEVER!’ I interjected, ‘I would never think that of you!’ My voice rose, and I noticed Kouyou’s eyes widen, ‘Thank you…’ he said lowly, ‘He just asks me to dress up for him, and let him touch me in vulgar ways, but we’ve never actually had sex. And I’m afraid he’ll ask me to do that next …’ he grasped my hand, ‘Yuu, help me, please. He gives me these pills that I don’t want to take… they cause me to become violent and distraught. I don’t want to take them but he forces me…and if I don’t do it, he promised me he’ll report me to the cops.’ His voice was innocent, and I felt a surge of sympathy rise out of me. ‘I know I’m a stranger to you, but please help me…’
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