Novel concept in productivity...

Nov 17, 2008 10:57

I have discovered a way to be more productive. The down side is that this means driving and paying for parking.

I decided that I would get into school early today, early being heading to campus as soon as I dropped the older offspring at school. I was on campus by 8, which is highly unusual for me. Usually I drop the kid off, head back home, do some things around the house, and then catch the bus. However, I've noted that it doesn't matter when I get into school in the morning, I'm fried by the time I get home at night. (I owe this to teaching late in the day. Being an introvert, it completely exhausts me.) This means I tend to not get as much done at night as I plan/hope.

And I have very easy access to the internet at home. Not so much at school.

So I'm considering signing up for a parking pass next semester and trying to maintain an earlier schedule. The down side is that the parking is freaking expensive and I'm burning up slightly more gas. (Dropping off the kid and going home is probably the same as dropping the kid and driving to campus...although I'm already driving two days per week anyway.) I would pay as much in two months for the cheapest pass as I paid for a full year at NDSU. But if I get more done, it seems like it would be worth it, doesn't it? (Even if it does make me an evil fossil-fuel abuser...)


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