I'm curious: Who at a local Jewish funeral home thought it was a good idea to put on the cover of their marketing calendar a picture of the Dead Sea with the word "The Dead Sea" in humongous letters?
No, I'm not making this up. I wish I were. The shul director and I were boggling at that yesterday. It's just...did they actually not see why this is in poor taste? Did they not care? Or are they actually that oblivious?
On a very related note, my mother was helping me organize the items for the shul program book and I paused as I was about to paste something in. "Hmm, I guess I probably shouldn't put the Chevra Kadisha right after senior activities, huh?" She came close to a spit-take in her rush to agree that it might be in poor taste.
(Translation for non-Jews: The Chevra Kadisha is the group responsible for proper preparation of dead bodies for burial.)
While I was doing that, I was watching a flurry of e-mails between my BIL and his tech people over the HTML coding of the blog post I was supposed to edit. I watched them for a while, got bored, and edited the blog post while they rearranged the deck chairs. Whatev.
And on that note, I need to either work on the program book or some Suddenly Sprockets! work.
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