Y'know, there you are meeting at the shul with the exec. director and some dude who's working on a project with you and you have a pleasant hour discussing format and style and then you come home and google the guy and learn he's a college buddy of President Obama's and three-time cancer survivor and started a 5k walk for lung cancer and...holy shit. ::boggles::
Yeah, so I was at the shul yesterday having a meeting about this brochure I agreed to edit (for free, alas). ::shakes head:: Sometimes I forget that my shul has a lot of bigshots, because I'm there so often for the preschool and whatnot that I take it for granted.
Anyway, back to editing something else (that I'm getting paid for :D).
Although I'll pause first and repeat what I said on FB: Font designers, listen up! There's a difference between eth0 and etho. Really. Make sure your font reflects that fact or you will leave me confused and annoyed!
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