
Nov 13, 2006 00:30

It has been a few days since the "Chocolate show" and I have wanted to go back every day. I wish I had taken more samples. I should have filled up a BAG and a half with samples. Damn me!

I still have not eaten all the sample. I want to savor them. At this very second they are beckoning me!!. I think the funniest thing about that day was seeing all the women with chocolate all over their faces, it was worth the price of admission! Even LH had some and I wish I had the smarts to snap a pic of that! It would have been wonderful 'chocolate-mail' to embarass her one day!

It was a fairly good weekend. I talked to mom a few times. I am not writing about what's happening with her health because it is too much to really deal with and if I write more, I put it out there and then...well I just don't want to think anything bad will happen... (did I obfuscate enough??)

I managed to partially finish 2 papers this weekend. Well not true, I did the first drafts and I still need to add and edit the papers. One is due on tuesday and the other is due on Saturday. But the bulk of it is done so I am happy.

One was a think piece. We are reading this book that is so dense that even when one 'unpacks it' (this is an educational termie meaning to define it in a new context) there is still too much to understand. It is a difficult read and I like some of the aspects we are talking about. We have basically read the first 4 chapters and are going over each chapter, section by section trying to break it down. I am not really doing a good job. Luckily, KD is my partner and she has had a good grasp of what is happening and for the past two weeks my partners have done the talking.

I decided to look at routines as genes where they carry on traits that are passed on to complete tasks. It is interesting because the theory behind it reflects that the Organization is a living entity. I like the thought of giving it human characteristics.

My second aspect was "Symbols- Words, Gestures and signs". I like this because traveling the world one is introduced different symbols and different meanings to signs and different interpretations.

The last thing was on artifacts and technology. I looked at the aspect of how technology is just the new form of control. I was talking to one of the cohort today and I thought that her take on things were pretty interesting. I like the fact that the interpretations are so diverse. It is good to talke to them but I don't get a change to ask them what they are doing. I want to know because I want to expand my thought process and my thinking.

I was just reading an article for another class and it was about 'Motivation' and the different types of motivation. There is performance and mastery types of learning. Performance is about getting that 'A' while Mastery is about coming in with the attitude that you will learn something. I am really simplifying it here but thats it in a nutshell. so my point is: I want to hear their takes on the same task so I can learn better.

I forgot all about one of my classes and was reminded to do it. I am still 3 articles behind but I am at least aware now. It is still taking me long to go through the articles even though I have changed my style. I am not just using quotes and 'chunking' them under similar heading and then analyzing them. I like this method better, it allows me to handle the articles in a much more productive way. I still have trouble grasping the Purpose and Rationale but it is more of a question of sorting through the thoughts in my head.

I am tired.

nyu grad, thoughts, faves

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