And now for something completely different

Jan 06, 2009 22:47

  • After the recount, Franken won the Minnesota senate race
  • There's a new, optimistic push for DC finally getting a vote in Congress.  Overall I think that's fabulous, it's about time D.C. got a say in the body to which they pay taxes and that has veto power over every aspect of their governance (though I realize that even if the bill passes there's the slight detail that it's unconstitutional and will almost certainly be challenged in court), but one quote in the article irked me.  "The people of the District have been the direct target of a terrorist attack but they have no vote on how the federal government provides for their homeland security".  Uh, Lieberman, I really hope you aren't referring to Sept. 11 'cause you've been in Congress way to long not to know that the Pentagon is in Virginia.
  • Burris was turned away at the Senate.

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