(no subject)

Oct 07, 2005 10:30

Elections are coming up in the not-so-distant future, so ya'll get a public service announcement from yours truly.

The deadline to register to vote is Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 5:00 p.m.

Virginia information on absentee voting is available here. The Fairfax County application for absentee ballots is available here.

While this is an odd-numbered year there are several important races in Virginia. In addition to the governor's race there are local races. Given that during the next year the legislature will probably vote for an anti-gay marriage amendment for the second time (Virginia constitutional amendments need to pass the legislature during two session separated by an election in order to have a referendum), vote on the future of Virginia higher education, etc., these races do matter. As for the governor's race, Kilgore is exceedingly anti-gay and is also in favor of cutting funding for higher education.

Oh, and there's a Kaine-Kilgore debate this Sunday night. It is broadcasting STATEWIDE on NBC starting at 7pm.

Now, granted, I have every intention of fleeing the state as soon as I graduate this place, but it would be nice to minimize the extent to which I resemble a rat leaving a sinking ship when doing so...


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