Mar 23, 2005 23:37
Thank you, cold, for allowing me to really interesting conversations, like the following:
Manintial: rachel make my nose stop bleeding so i can go to sleep
DuneManic: um.. why is it bleeding?
Manintial: when i get a cold sometimes, after blowing my nose all the time, it pops a bloodvessel in my nose
DuneManic: psycho
DuneManic: look up
DuneManic: stand up
Manintial: it's not much fun, b/c then i have to stick a kleenex up my nose
Manintial: which makes me sneeze like crazy
Manintial: so then i'm sneezing and bleeding
Manintial: very embarrassing
Manintial: ah see, when i look it up it says common causes of nosebleeds are dryness and nose picking, which i suppose could translate into blowing your nose all the time?
Manintial: also lesser causes are colds
Manintial: or "children may stick small objects up the nose" but i haven't done that
DuneManic: no i mean literally look up
DuneManic: and stand up
Manintial: oh
Manintial: :-)
Manintial: no these days they're saying lean slightly forward
Manintial: give it a few years, though, and we'll return to leaning back
DuneManic: lol
Manintial: i figure i'll just rock back and forth and be all right
Manintial: it's pretty much done anyways
DuneManic: hahaha
DuneManic: im sorry
Manintial: no it is funny, not painful or anything
Manintial: very sudden though