Screw Upper Management.

Mar 22, 2012 10:31

I love my Managers, but my Manager's Managers are being total butt munches right now.

I really stand by my theory of Upper Management makes changes for the sake of making changes. They want to seem like they're doing something to 'improve' when really they're just doing something so it seems like they're 'doing something'

Lately many changes have been going around Citywalk for the sake of appearances, quite a few were good, some were lame and will not be corrected as they stand by it.
Like the movement of our cart which was infront of the theater. It caught traffic from both parks. But they thought it looked bad in that location so it was moved to another part of city walk that deprives it of half of the traffic.
And wouldn't you know it, the numbers tell. Exactly half the profit its now making.
Nights it used to make 2,000-3,000 easily. Now it just barely gets over 1,000.

So now the latest word from the higher ups... you know the people you never see. (I honestly don't have a good description of this guy's face.)
Their latest word is they want to do away with our Vendors using their Umbrellas on the cart. Completely. I hope they are going to pay for the Skin Cancer of all my Associates standing in the sun. They don't like the way it 'LOOKS'
I guarantee that the guest doesn't give a shit about a large Umbrella. In fact they like being able to stand under it for a moment while they make transactions with the vendor. They always comment, oh this shade is nice. I want the guy making this stupid decision to stand with absolutely no shade and sell to the masses for 6 hours straight.
The first employee to fall of heat stroke should sue our company for the lack of intelligence to make this decision. I'm going to personally fight against it any way I can despite my low position. I'm atleast a representative on the safety committee for universal, I can call it out the very next meeting they hold. It just pisses me off on how they can even consider it.

This other decision was made to take away ALL drink tankers.
You know, those rolling tanks of refreshing bottled drinks chilling in pounds of ice.
In the summer time they easily make 200$ a day per each tanker. Thats just from Citywalk's area. The parks I bet quadruple that since Citywalk is only a passing point.
But now they want to take that away from any outside merchandise.
The only upside we can see is that we don't have to make ice runs any more and closing will be a little faster cause thats one less thing to put away.
Its still a major cut in revenue. All for the sake of appearances.
Models make money off of appearances. Themeparks... not quite as much.

Man, am I steamed.
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