I'd like to be specific on my Music Tastes.

Apr 05, 2012 10:13

It became apparent at last FWA that everyone seemed to think I hated and couldn't bare listening to anything dubstep. I got the impression that I was seen as some judge with a grudge that was going to downvote any dancer who picked a dubstep song.
It just isn't that way. I give everything a chance. I'll give things a listen. If you tell me its a good song I'll see if it moves me. With lots of electronic music these days I've given up on trying to assign a genre to anything. Why bother? Either its a good song or not. There have been a few dubstep songs I liked. Most of them let me down... many of them some experts of dubstep would say, "Well that isn't actually dubstep" I just shrug and respond, "What ever that noise was, it wasn't for me."
Theres a shit load of rap out there that I can barely tolerate, but theres some great artists too. Every artist is a bit different. This just isn't absolute and you can't condemn an entire genre by its lack of songs and artists that interest you. Thats genre genocide, you harmonious Hitler.
I could make a racist comparison about music genres to race...so I will.
There are a lot of East-Indians that really grind my gears, but I know they aren't all that bad. Like the guy who plays Abed on Community, hes great and I bet he doesn't try to haggle everything you sell even though the products are clearly priced by a mega-corporation and are non-negotiable... I mean if you can't afford to buy the 10$ rip-off Lightsaber for your mono-browed kid maybe you shouldn't have come to an expensive themepark in the first place.
(Wow... I've got something against those Indians... sorry India! Slumdog Millionaire was an awesome movie about how much your country sucks.)

Get it?
I'm just really selective with the songs I listen to on a song to song basis. I rarely ever purchase the whole album from an artist. Heck, even my favorite artist, Bjork, completely let me down with her last album, I didn't download a single track.
And thats just my view, nothing is absolute.
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