Mar 16, 2009 01:44
I had a horrible dream last night. My brother and I were supposed to babysit our neighbors' son Ben, who is 5 now, but was still in diapers in the dream. Din and I were looking out our kitchen window across the yard at their house waiting for them to come out, when we saw this adorable charcoal-gray Boxer, who was full-grown and HUGE, but still a puppy. He was running through our yard away from the the public staircase that separates our yard from Sam and Lauren's house, followed by three black and white cats. Even though we can't see the bottom of the stairs from our kitchen, in the dream we could, and there was a flayed cat down there, with blood everywhere. Somehow we knew it was a Santaria ritual and the other three animals were fleeing in fear. We brought them into our house, and I fed the cats tuna. Lauren called to ask us why we were still at our house, and I said I was terrified to go outside and walk past the dead cat. Then I woke up.
Dead animals are not exactly the first thing I want to think about when I wake up in the morning.
My paid account expired on the 12th, and I'm going with the plus account now, because I can't afford extra expenses. But I do miss all my ridiculously copious number of icons. O:)
But the 12th was also AWESOME, because Mom, Dad, and I went to see the Chieftains. The show was spectacular, with step dancers, a cute Canadian fiddle player who also dances, and, of course, great music. This Scottish singer named Alyth McCormack and the harpist Triona Marshall were especially amazing. The only down side musically was this guy Joe Hurley, who was trying SO HARD to be Johnny Cash (even singing "The Long Black Veil" and "Folsom Prison Blues") and failed. But he was only in the show for a very short time, so that was okay. I just wish the people sitting next to me were as absent, because they would not.shut.up! At a rock show, that's all fine and good, because you get drowned out, but a Chieftains show is a decidedly unplugged affair.
Word Count for The Novel: 22,649, and I wrote a flurry of 2230 this evening. And those 2230 words were mainly describing a coffeehouse and Dutch coffee. Our guide says we should have at least 35,000 words by the end of this week, and I might just manage it. This writing everyday thing really does get easier the more you do it! And I'm thinking about titling it Sparkle and Fade, to just blatantly steal from Everclear.
Oh, and another Ides of March has come and gone without incident. Always a relief.
nanowrimo in march,