(no subject)

Jan 18, 2010 13:55

Two things I learnt from my new dentist today: 1) my jawline definitely could use some work since it's probably responsible for those chronic headaches, and 2) my face isn't technically deformed.

I lol'd and o_O at the second one, and he laughed too before saying that all he meant was that I probably don't need surgery to sufficiently correct it. XD Which is good news.

I couldn't believe that I had seen my dentist, and gotten my grocery shopping done all before noon today. I'm usually not even awake before noon alskdjfl I should really try this 'getting up early' thing more often. I have so much time left!

.... which, of course, I'm going to use productively. Yes. >_>

1. Where and when did you start RPing?
Grade nine on a semi-private forum dedicated to a webcomic I adored at the time (I still might, if I had the time/energy/attention span to keep up with it). Created my first original characters and everything. Good times. They are still my babies and I still randomly add to their backstory or revisit their existing ones, and I'd love to write them again someday.

2. Do you RP anywhere other than LJ?
Nooot at the moment, no, but I started out with forum-based RP, with some side AIM and MSN spam. These days, I stick to LJ. I suspect it's the icons that I've been spoiled for.

3. Do you play in any public games?
Currently, capeandcowl and lastvoyages, with some side forays in dear_mun and sixwordstories.

4. Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
Comment spam, always always. It's faster, less pressure, and all around easier for me. /all about instant gratification.

5. What was the first character you ever played?
From a fandom? Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing was my very first. OC-wise, yeah, see question 1.

6. Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
It really depends on who I'm in the mood for at any given moment, but Raven from Teen Titans will probably always be my number one favourite (and easiest) character to write. She's snarky, which is awesome because that's usually my first reflex as well, but she's also empathetic (and not just in the powers way) and sympathetic and ... I just adore her. I love playing her guarded moments, her sarcastic moments, her happiness and her angst, and above all I love love love playing those little moments when her guard is let down and she opens up to someone. *w*

7. What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
Proooooobably Yuuko @ POLY, although Raven comes in a close second (I think). My attention span sucks, so staying at one game is really hard for me after a few months.

8. What's your biggest RP pet peeve?
Oh god, these are going to make me sound elitist, but 1) bad icons, and 2) infomodding. ... okay, only the first makes me sound elitist, but the first only really applies to my own characters, so it's not so much a pet peeve as an OCDness of my own. But yeah, I admit, if you've got pretty icons (textless, well-cropped, clear, nicely coloured/contrasted), it'll leave a better impression the first time around.

Do I really have to clarify on the second?

OH, and another that really only applies to action stuff is when you write me a tag that I ... can't really reply to meaningfully. Like when your character just sits there. And notices mine in passing. And mine isn't really the curious/observant type and she wouldn't really notice. It makes me bend characterization to interact with you and that makes me :| a little.

9. Do you read RP secrets and the RP anon meme?
Ummm, RPS when I remember/am really bored, and rarely the anon meme unless someone links me to something. Although, from experience, once I get linked, I usually spend a good hour or so on it. It's strangely addictive and amusing at times.

10. If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
Eh, I've done both and I don't really have a strong preference either way. If I had to choose, I'd probably go for comm-based with tags. It's just easier for me to have everything in one place and neatly sorted.

11. Would you rather play with someone who's very very IC but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always IC (but not terrible) and a great writer?
The second, hands down. Being really really IC doesn't really mean much if you're just spouting canon lines/scenarios at me.

12. Do you have a "RP partner"?
Mmmmmmmmn, idk, Theo? Maybe? XD I am not entirely certain what an RP partner entails.

13. Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? Who?
I stalked C&C for a while after I dropped. >> Might explain why I'm back there now.

14. In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
History, without fail. (Well, except for River's most recent app, where the third-person sample took me forever). Generally though, I appreciate games that only require the barebones background, or allow a wiki link to substitute. Honestly, it bores me to death to write out a character's history when all I'll be doing is repeating Wikipedia. It feels like homework, and idk, I just don't like it. Even characters with short canons can have extensive, off-screen backstory and yeaaaaah, it always takes me forever.

15. Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
Userinfo, no. Layout, yes.

16. What was your first game?
campfuckudie back in high school. It was amazing while it lasted, but way too fast-paced for me to keep up consistently.

17. Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
Nooot that I can think of right now, so I don't think so?

18. Most memorable scene in any thread?
Oh, hmmm. Lots of Yuuko stuff from POLY; basically almost any threads involving Yuuko with Doumeki or Watanuki or both. Or Ichigo-- like that one time Ichigo made a mess all over her floor and Yuuko >3'd about it and confused/annoyed Byakuya with it. That was great. Also, Yuuko being badass is amazing, because a) she just is, and b) I rarely get to play that side of her, but when I do, I love it to no end.

Raven and Van Helsing's fail-swordfight lessons also come to mind. And the shenanigans with her Emotions when fail!big brother broke her mirror. And bonding with Rue and Keith, and that one thread with Lucy Pevensie about family alsdjflkd yes I love Raven.

Elaine Belloc @ C&C discussing Disney and ice cream with Nico di Angelo (who I totally semi-shipped her with what), and bonding with HELLGIRL AI alsjdlf that was adorable. Man, now I really want to find another place to throw her into.

Finally, this. I just ... can't even describe it. Except with LOL and EPIC.

19. Do you RP sex?
Ahahahaha, I've tried? And failed. It doesn't keep my attention, because once I'm writing it, it feels so mechanic and drawn out and after the first three tags (so, the lead-up, lol), I usually just find myself thinking, "Is it over yet? Oh god just orgasm already :|||" Yeah, I suck at it. (NO PUN INTENDED GOD)

20. Do you play more males or females?
Definitely females. Almost every male I've attempted I've failed it. ;__; ONE DAY I WILL TRY AGAIN AND OVERCOME THIS. But yeah, my character roster is 90% XX-chromosomes.

21. What won't you RP?
Sex. It's ... boring. Foreplay, etc, maybe for a little bit, but my attention span wanders pretty fast.

22. Dressing rooms: yes or no?
Mostly just dear_mun.

23. Ever RPed a pairing?
Nope. It doesn't help that the characters I play tend to be unshippable to some degree. Always wanted to try it though! (I just chicken out of approaching others and asking to play the ship even if the chemistry is there. ;;)

24. Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
Open posts, and public games.

25. Talking RP with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
Never really had a chance to try it! So really, it could go both ways.

The Wasteland reading tonight should be fun. X3

memes: best way to kill gray cells, rp

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