(no subject)

Feb 05, 2010 18:44

There is a strange strangeness (yes, I am terribly eloquent about this do not laugh) about advising one's little sister re: high school. I can only imagine how much more distilled that feeling will be once university applications time rolls around. ... hopefully she'll be able to wrestle with her grad/professional school applications on her own oh my god I can't even imagine doing my own right now, much less holding her hand through hers.

It makes me feel old, which a lot of things do these days and I'm only twenty for goodness sake. Granted not old in a necessarily bad way, although that changes sometimes on the bad days. It also makes me feel vaguely stagnant. Like I haven't changed that much, haven't done that much even when the world continues to spin and change and grow, and why haven't I grown with it? Or, at least, feel that I have?

It is way too early for me to be having a midlife crisis.

Of course, I place part of the blame on the fact that I have been indulging in Lord of the Rings these past few days and, as much as I adore the works, they never fail to place me in this strange mood, contemplating time and mortality and eternity and Other Such Grand (But Largely Useless and Sometimes Depressing) Thoughts. Damn you, Tolkien. Damn you, Peter Jackson. :|

... although? I must say, I love Gimli more and more with every new rewatch of the movies. For example, in The Two Towers when Aragorn and Legolas take down everyone coming at Gandalf in Theodin's Hall .... and then Gimli stomping on their faces. It was great. And of course, that classic scene of him behind the battlements at Helms Deep.

Also, Legolas is a kill-stealing bastard. And a walking hair products ad.

i am fandom's bitch

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