(no subject)

Jan 17, 2010 21:17

I need to stop spending money on books. These last two days alone I've spent over $70 on books. Granted, most of them were related to my major/field and I should start collecting some of the defining works, but ... still. So expensive ;_; And my OSAP hasn't come in yet.

(On the other hand, eeeeee, I can't wait until Imagined Communities and that Wallace Stevens poetry collection gets here lajsdlf.)

Going to see the dentist tomorrow, and hopefully he can tell me wtf is going on with my jawline. I am so not going to get orthodontic surgery if it's not medically relevant. If it'll stop the random and chronic migraines, then fine, I'll dish out $3000 for it, but if it's just for a slightly restructured and (apparently) ~prettier~ smile, haaaah, no thanks. I'll be okay in this corner with my slight underbite, kthnxbai.

Also, I finally finished that one ficlet I've been working on since June, which made me happy. |D I probably should have done the handout for my presentation first, but I've read the book, I've plastered it with sticky notes, and honestly I think I'll be alright. (famous last words?)

why so materialistic?, geeka maxima sum, booksbooksbooks

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