Pretty Little Liars (s01ep13): Know Your Frenemies **** "A" is Noel, no it's Ian, no it's... Well, whoever it is, "A" is at least being nicer this week, for his/her own hidden agenda I'm sure. Still, there's much to love this week. Surprises, jaw drops, and red herrings, oh my! Plus, a suave Veronica Mars name drop.
This week "A" persuades Hanna to return to her rule-breaking ways. Meanwhile, Noel continues to be an ass to Ezra, Emily's mother reaches the last straw with Emily and Maya's relationship, Spencer and the rest of us are still adjusting to Melissa's sudden marriage, and the girls get help from a somewhat surprising place.
Pretty Little Liars (s01ep13): Know Your Frenemies
tumblr)Emily: So, what? Allison lied more than she breathed. You think that was enough to make Ian permanently shut her up? ... If lying was a crime, we'd all be in jail.
Pretty interesting and exciting episode this week. Lots of things to ponder and jaw drop over, but also lots of distractions and red herrings.
Poor, Hanna. I really wish she didn't listen to "A" and eat all those cupcakes, even to get the money back for her and her mother. If you start doing what "A" asks, then when do you draw the line? I loved how Aria showed up and stood up for her, told her she was strong, and held her hand. She's continuously the most mature of the group. So, Allison taught Hanna to purge after she'd eaten a lot. She was possibly trying to help her, but not in such a great way. Jury's still out on that.
Meanwhile, Spencer seems to be at ground zero for uncovering Allison evidence. Ian is definitely hiding stuff and obviously had something to do with Allison judging by all the Hilton Head stuff and the video at the end, but he's still not "A". And I think Melissa knows something that Ian told her. That's what it sounded like they were discussing at the beginning. Maybe he was the last to see Allison, but maybe he didn't kill her. But why is Ian so insistent in getting married and now having a kid with Melissa? Hm...
Emily and Maya were screwed either way. It's just a matter of time before her mother found a way to split them up. She was a ticking time bomb, but it would've been better if Emily and Maya hadn't given her ammunition. It was sweet of the girls to give them one last moment together though. And 3 months away at school for having pot? I have this feeling Emily/Toby is waiting in the wings, which would be a shame.
I felt so bad for Toby tonight though. People can be so cruel.
Noel: It's a few strokes of a pen, why is it so hard for you?
Ezra: If you have to ask that question, you wouldn't understand my answer.
I'm so glad Ezra didn't give into Noel and give him an A on that paper. Though the whole story begs the question, allowing Noel to cheat is wrong. But being in a relationship with a student isn't? Then, Noel being taken away for cheating? That pretty much disproves him as "A" right? Unless it's all a ruse.
Ezra: What you and I have is the most real and honest thing in my life. And that's something that'll be remembered, no matter what happens tomorrow. That won't change.
Aria: I know how you feel about me.
Ezra: I'm not going to change Noel's grade, and I won't let him hurt you. If I resign tomorrow, get the hell out of Rosewood, he'll have no reason to tell anybody about us. Hey, even though this doesn't look right, it has always felt right. And I will not let him change us into something that feels wrong. I just can't. I can't.
Aria: I love you.
Regardless, I'm on the Ezra/Aria train anyway. My heart dropped when I thought she was going to tell her dad and brother about them. (I'm suspicious of her brother maybe already knowing through Noel.) So cute how she had a key to Ezra's apartment and let herself in. I loved Ezra's whole speech to her on how it never felt wrong. It's interesting to see him so frazzled. Then, them cuddling on the couch on what could be their last moments? Lovely.
Aria: I don't know who I'm more afraid of: "A", the bitch who tried to flatten Hannah, or "A", our new frenemy.
In the same episode "A" screws over Hanna, but also helps out Aria/Ezra and gives them the video with Ian. Seems to me that "A" is only interested in doing what benefits him/her. There's something to be gained from having Aria/Ezra together and it's just a matter of time before "A" screws them over, too.