Jan 22, 2009 13:25
The Final Frontier
These....are The Voyages, of The Enterprising Tenant
His Continuing Mission....to have Peace of Mind in Rental Accomadation
To be Fully Informed about anything that might Concern him while he's in Rental Accomadation
To Boldly Rent like no Renter has Rented before....
(Okay....so that last part was pretty Lame)
Personal Log - StarDate 0/090122.1330
Having been Informed some two days ago about an Inspection that was Due today, I find myself still waiting for it to happen
On the 'Notice Of Inspection' I was given some two days ago, there is a Space for what Time it will take place, in the Form of 'Between'
On that Line, all they wrote was '10:30 am'
By 11:45, nothing had happened, so I thought, "Bugger this, I'm not hanging around all day for this Inspection to take place, I'm going out to get some stuff that I need (in this case New Bedding (Pillows, Fitted Sheet, Pillow Cases, Quilt and Quilt Cover))
On the way out, I asked the New Duty Manager if she knew when the Inspection was likely to take place
She told me that The Overall Manager was still waiting for the guy to turn up
Obviously, on that 'Notice Of Inspection' Form, nobody bothered to put in when it would be 'Between' *to*
She offered to Call me and let me know when it was likely to happen, but I was going out and wasn't taking my Mobile with me....which would have been a Moot Point even if I had, as it's not like I can say, "I'm just in TARGET, I'll be back in 20 minutes"
When I got back, about 13:05, I asked one of the Reception Staff (the others were busy) if the Inspection had taken place yet
All I got was, "You'll be Informed if the Apartment is Sold"
I think this particular Staff Member is trying *TOO* hard to make an Impression with The Boss, as she always seems to be trying to Quote the Tenancy Act, as in, "You'll get the 24h Notice as Required by Law"
So, a couple of minutes after I got back into my Apartment (and attempted to cool off), I Called Reception and asked to speak to The Overall Manager - who was in a Meeting with someone - so they put me through to the New Duty Manager, who told me that the guy *still* hadn't turned up yet
She apologised for any Inconvenience, and said that she will Contact the Agency, and that I can consider the Inspection Cancelled for today, and will try and make sure that there's a more 'Defined' Time for the Inspection next time
Heck....even '10:30 - 15:00' or similar would have been a more 'Defined Time', which this particular Notice didn't have
I'm back at Work from Monday, so a more 'Defined Time' might be a Moot Point in that case, but, there will be times, thanks to my Roster, when I will have days off during the week, and on those days (should there be an Inspection Due on any of them), it would be nice to be Informed what time the Inspection might be likely to happen....at the very least, so that I'm not hanging around all day waiting for it, or otherwise going out to do something so that I can be....'Out of the Way' while it's happening, only to find when I get back that it *still* hasn't happened, and so I'm back to 'Hanging around for it to happen' again