Oct 12, 2009 19:26
By definition, is a person absolutely not into attachment parenting if they dont believe CIO is 10000% evil, but only 99.9999% bad?
Arent there more aspects to attachment parenting besides being anti CIO?
I got flayed alive on an attachment parenting board for saying that I don't have an issue if my son cries when he insists on sleeping in my bed, but i insist he sleeps in his own crib. But then, I was also told by the same people that if he wants a bottle and has a tempter tantrum about it, then thats ok, I don't need to give in to temper tantrums; toddlers don't need to have their way with everything. They said he's old enough to understand the no bottles concept.
What I was wondering was- if he's old enough to understand no more bottles, isnt he also old enough to understand that he's not sleeping in our bed? At what age is it not "bad parenting" to have them sleep in their own room? Until they decide on their own that they want to be in their own room? Or can a parent decide that their kid is old enough to sleep in their own room?How is CIO at this age any different than any other toddler temper tantrum? I honestly want to know that. You don't give in to any and all toddler's demands merely because you don't want them to cry, and if a temper tantrum is the result of your saying "No!" then thats how they'll learn that they can't have everything that they want; why is their insistence on sleeping in your bed all of a sudden a demand that you must give in to otherwise you're a bad parent because you're letting your child "Cry it out" also known as "ignoring a tempter tantrum"?