Dec 16, 2010 20:54

I sometimes go to Coventry Creations' website, because my mom carries some of their stock and I like to keep up to date on any new cool offerings. I'm a fan of the Motor City Hoodoo candles, (which apparently were designed by a student of cat yronwode's) and the Witches' Brew products because holy shit do they smell good! Anyway. I saw today they carry not only Adam and Eve candles but also Adam and Steve and Alice and Eve. I thought that was awesome. I also wondered if you'd have to change the formula - I seem to remember a Lucky Mojo podcast that dealt with attracting same sex partners where cat and Dr. Kioni mentioned using gendered roots or something. I'll have to look it up.

Last night a customer called me a cunt for basically asking him not to scratch our DVDs all to hell. Makes perfect sense. Thankfully Jesusfreak!coworker witnessed the confrontation and backed me up, and both my boss and manager today were like, "fuck that guy." So, basically when he comes in? This. Shawna will come over and be Jay.

Tonight one of my customers made me laugh hysterically. She was talking about Robert Pattinson, and she said, "through all of Twilight he just looked like, kinda uncomfortable. Like... like he was having a mildly unpleasant colonoscopy."


Speaking of people who always look like they're in a state of discomfort... Nick cage was caught on tape being drunk and insane again. This cheers my soul.

hoodoo, rst video

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