
Dec 14, 2010 11:34

In case anyone had forgotten, I work as a clerk in an independent video store. And yes, I frequently feel my life has become a Kevin Smith film when I wasn't paying attention. We have many baffling, horrifying and entertaining customers: the elderly German man who ONLY rents movies about World War II, the American couple who are very into astrology and asked one of my coworkers if she was a lesbian, the old guy with gout who rents almost exclusively from the restricted section, the anime creeper, the mumble-mumble time vampire, the adorable Welsh guy, and the ginger whose account note reads "he doesn't come here to be nice, he comes here to WIN." (Some of the account notes are pure gold.)

There's a little old lady who comes in every Sunday and rents five movies for a week. She goes straight to the drama section and picks five at random in alphabetical order. She literally just grabs five in a row without looking. So one week she wound up with Bound, which as I recall was softcore fantasy!lesbian porno with Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon, and this weekend she walked out with a movie I have seen clips of thanks to lonely_walker - she hands me the boxes and I go into the back room to grab the movies and I see this.

Yeah, Keith Carradine in a fucking gimp mask. Rented by this sweet little grandma type. I basically ran home after work to tell my sister.

I've registered for more courses at Emily Carr. Introduction to Graphic Novels part one and two, yippee. Kat said I could probably skip the first course, but it's a pre-req for the second half, and I figured what the hell, it might actually mean I have to FINISH something. As lame as my last art course was I can definitely say it increased my output of art. I also plan to buy a book on storyboarding and find some tutorials online. I was told way back when after the comic gig at Big Bad Boo fell through that I could get hired on as a board revisionist if I got the education, so I think I should stop dicking off and follow up on that.

We bought my mother a pinup photo session with Shimona for the holidays, so we went with her to White Rock for that yesterday. It went really well, and as a bonus I got a little tanked on free wine since all I'd eaten all day was a bagel. The photos were amazing, and I hope I look as good as my mom when I'm her age. Just, you know, with crazier Cruella hair.

I've been pincurling my hair for the past few months, as Vancouver is terribly damp and I have uber thin hair. This means my hot roller sets tend to fall out after a few hours. Anyway, I came across a recipe for all natural setting lotion and I made up a batch the other day. It seems to work pretty good - today is day one of the set and we'll see how long the curls last. (Fascinating shit, I know. Look, if you don't wanna read about vanity and metaphysics you're on the wrong journal.)

Today we're planning on seeing Black Swan as it is finally in this stupid city at a theatre we have free tickets for. I hope it lives up to the awesome trailer. (And yes, I still hate Pi.)

rst video

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